Package: glib
Version: 2.20.4-1
Section: lib
Architecture: i686
Maintainer: NSLU2 Linux <>
MD5Sum: 071a61e3a0c39e90c4a1502616129a7e
Size: 1622789
Filename: glib_2.20.4-1_i686.ipk
Description: The GLib library of C routines.

Package: lighttpd
Version: 1.4.25-1
Depends: pcre, zlib, libstdc++, openssl, spawn-fcgi
Suggests: bzip2, e2fsprogs, libxml2, lua, sqlite
Section: net
Architecture: i686
Maintainer: NSLU2 Linux <>
MD5Sum: 8f3e4a0c297154ed0b4df83c72b0fc07
Size: 425653
Filename: lighttpd_1.4.25-1_i686.ipk
Description: A fast webserver with minimal memory footprint.

Package: lunaservice
Version: 0.0.1-1
Section: lib
Architecture: i686
Maintainer: WebOS Internals <>
MD5Sum: 4ea546b2369ac35d564f49ed7b72eff4
Size: 7925
Filename: lunaservice_0.0.1-1_i686.ipk
Source: /lunaservice-0.0.1.tar.gz
Description: Palm Luna Service header files and dummy link library.

Package: mjson
Version: 1.0-1
Section: lib
Architecture: i686
Maintainer: WebOS Internals <>
MD5Sum: b6f7b924137c693011bcfa775a18aabe
Size: 21753
Filename: mjson_1.0-1_i686.ipk
Description: M\'s JSON parser is a small library completely written in plain ISO C which handles documents described by the JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) data interchange format.  This package is a patched version of mjson used by Palm in webOS.