Linux Port & Build Scripts instructions ======================================= Thanks to Jimmy Pritts <> for this. CLucene is built both as a shared object and a static library on Linux. I am able to build an index of a large archive of html files and search them with the demo under examples. Tests under examples builds as well but has some runtime problems. I will defer these until later as they are not critical to getting started on Linux. The problems don't look bad. The linux source tree mirrors the Windows source tree purposely. This was done so that eventually one download can build on both OSes. In fact, this is almost already a reality. Requirements ============ The port uses GNU autotools. I have the following versions installed: Autoconf 2.57 Automake 1.72 Libtool 1.5a I am using GCC version 3.2.2. This is important with repsect to the autotools as well, because the gcc version affects the way autotools calculates dependencies. If you use significantly older versions, I can almost guarantee issues. This is because each of the autotools is constantly changing with little regard to backward compatability or even compatiability with the other autotools. I can try to assist you if you run into problems. Building ======== The following will get you building assuming that you have suffciently recent buld tools installed. 1.) unpack tarball 2.) cd into "clucene/build/gcc" 3.) run "./build" 4.) things will churn for a very long time, the clucene library will be built as well as the examples. 5.) check /home/your_name/clucene_test/bin and /home/your_name/clucene_test/lib In bin you should see: demo test util In lib you should see: libclucene.a and symbolic links to these files. 6.) export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/your_name/clucene_test/lib 7.) run the demo in bin directory 8.) create in bin directory, run the tests. It will fail but problems appear to be minor. I will address these later. If you made it to 8, then I am very pleased. Most likely the build scripts will need to be tweaked to run on your system, or you will have to upgrade. Shoot me an E-Mail if things turn out to be an unmitigated disaster.