V0.4 - 29th October 2001: ------------------------- Improved error checking in dumprtp client Added initial implementation of telnet interface - see README for details. V0.3 - 15th October 2001: ------------------------- Updated tuning code to use latest tuning API changes in driver. Added "PID mapping" feature Added -v -a -t switches to route streams to the hardware decoders on the DVB card as well as streaming. Added signal handling (copied from VDR). V0.2 - 6th September 2001: -------------------------- Added tuning facility to dvbstream. Fixed bug with handling of fatal errors in dvbstream (thanks to Guenter Wildmann). Added rtpfeed client (by Guenter Wildmann) that uses a DVB card on the client machine to play back a broadcasted stream. V0.1 - 5th September 2001: -------------------------- Initial release.