0.99.9-1 -------- Bug fix: o Recompiled since the 0.99.9 binary package for arm was totally broken. 0.99.9 ------ Bug fix: o /usr/bin/update-alternativs put back into package. 0.99.8 (first release as ipkg, not ipkg-unstable) ------------------------------------------------- New features: o The package is now named ipkg rather than ipkg-unstable. At this point it seems to be fairly robust and it should not be missing any functionality from the original /bin/sh implementation of ipkg. Bug fixes: o Fixed bug in prompting about conffiles which were not actually modified when a package is upgraded after it had earlier been upgraded with a modified conffile. o Fixed a possible crash if installation is attempted for a package that is in the database, but not in any of the lists of available packages. 0.99.7 (ipkg-unstable) ---------------------- New features: o The offline_root option should actually work now. It works the same way as the original ipkg, (ie. there's no chroot yet). But, if you at least have update-alternatives in your path, then at least that much will work correctly. 0.99.6 (ipkg-unstable) ---------------------- Bug fixes: o fixed broken support for file:// URLs. o fixed bug that allowed removal of essential packages. 0.99.5 (ipkg-unstable) ---------------------- New Features: o ipkg now refuses, (except under diress), to remove essential packages. o ipkg now exports PKG_ROOT like the old ipkg did for the benefit of legacy maintainer scripts that expect it to be set, (update-alternatives is the big one here). o ipkg should now support "file://" URLs in the src lines of /etc/ipkg.conf. o /etc/ipkg.conf now accepts options to use wget with a proxy. This support is identical to the same support in the original ipkg. Available options are http_proxy, ftp_proxy, no_proxy, proxy_user, and proxy_passwd. Bug fixes: o lists of installed files for each package now have the correct format to be backwards-compatible with the original ipkg as well as dpkg. 0.99.4 (ipkg-unstable) ---------------------- Bug fix: o Fixed segfault from "ipkg install foo.ipk" 0.99.3 (ipkg-unstable) ---------------------- Bug fix: o Eliminated an infinite loop caused by circular dependencies. 0.99.2 (ipkg-unstable) ---------------------- New Features: o Added an "ipkg download" command as a convenient means to pluck a package out of a feed and download it to the current directory. Bug fixes: o Fixed Conffiles handling to not prompt on every conffile when under the influence of -force-reinstall. 0.99.1 (ipkg-unstable) ---------------------- New Features: o force-reinstall can be used with "ipkg install" or "ipkg upgrade" to reinstall a package even if the version is not any newer than the currently installed package. Package maintainers may find this useful when incrementally improving a package and testing locally prior to a release. Known bugs: o I believe there's a bug in the conffiles handling, (it appears that ipkg may prompt for every single conffile, whether or not it has been modified). This release contains several important bug-fixes: o ipkg was not correctly parsing the Conffiles field in package lists generated by the original ipkg. This led to error messages such as "file_md5sum_alloc: Failed to open file 3: No such file or directory". Now, ipkg will properly handle both the old and the new style of Conffiles. If you ran into this bug previously, then ipkg most likely corrupted your package status list. If so, you may still get error messages like the one above, even with ipkg-unstable 0.99.1. If this prevents you from upgrading a package, you should be able to workaround the problem by simply removing, then reinstalling the package. o In version 0.99.0, no package postinst scripts were being executed. This should now be fixed. o "ipkg install /some/local/file.ipk" would crash. This is fixed. o Fixed several crashes from various code paths in "ipkg upgrade". o Several memory leaks were found and fixed. Many thanks to Julian Seward for his valgrind program: http://developer.kde.org/~sewardj. I've found this to be an invaluable tool for tracking down memory problems on x86-linux systems. o "ipkg status" now prints many fields that were missing before. 0.99.0 (ipkg-unstable) ---------------------- At this point I think that ipkg-unstable should have more-or-less all of the functionality of the original ipkg, (except as noted below). Deficiencies of the new ipkg-unstable as compared to the original ipkg: o ipkg-unstable does not support offline_root yet. If you don't know what this is, then you won't miss it. If you do miss it, this feature is on the top of my TODO list right now. o ipkg does not currently support the http_proxy options in /etc/ipkg.conf. Instead, just set the HTTP_PROXY environment variables that wget wants and everything should be fine. I suppose I'll have to fix this at some point. At the same time, ipkg-unstable improves on many things from the original ipkg: o ipkg-unstable is much faster. Many thanks to Steven Ayer of CRL for some fast hashing code and some complex data structure manipulation for quickly tracking down dependencies. o ipkg-unstable has fewer dependencies. It links with only libc6 and the only external program it calls is wget, (and optionally, diff). The former ipkg depended on fileutils, shellutils, textutils, sed, grep, gzip, tar, wget. In spite of this, the new C-based ipkg is still only 60kB even with support for both .ipk and .deb packages. o ipkg-unstable will remove files that are obsolesced when upgrading a package. o ipkg-unstable will not install a package if it tries to overwrite a file that already exists on the filesystem, (except for conffiles and files belonging to the old package when upgrading). o ipkg-unstable should properly handle dependencies when installing from a package filename [Bugzilla 150] o ipkg-unstable should have complete support for versioned dependencies. (The code is there, but I haven't tested it yet). o ipkg-unstable should have complete support for Provides, (the code is there, but I haven't tested it yet). Meanwhile, there are several bugs that ipkg has always had that I will be fixing very shortly: o [Bugzilla 126] ipkg lets you remove essential packages o ipkg should track dependencies that are broken during "ipkg remove" There are also several new features in the works: o Support more precise user control of package selection: ipkg install foo from ipkg install foo-5.0 o Keeping track of and removing packages such as libraries that are no longer being used by any installed system. 0.98.0 (ipkg-unstable) ---------------------- This is the first, alpha, release of the new re-implementation of ipkg in C. There are a few things that seems to work fairly well: ipkg-unstable update ipkg-unstable install ipkg-unstable remove ipkg-unstable list ipkg-unstable files ipkg-unstable info ipkg-unstable status Some things are not at all implemented: ipkg-unstable search Conflicts: proxy support in /etc/ipkg.conf offline_root mode in /etc/ipkg.conf probably all of the force options Some things are known to be broken: conffiles handling removing obsolesced files "ipkg remove" has many spurious warnings about not removing directories like ///, ///usr, ///usr/bin, etc. Some things have not received much testing, (if any): ipkg-unstable upgrade Provides: package maintainer scripts Many thanks to Steve Ayer for implementing the fast package hash and some complex dependency-handling code. You'll notice that the new ipkg just screams compared to the old dog we used to have. Also, thanks to Jamey Hicks for early adoption testing, bug fixes, and pushing me to make this first release sooner rather than later.