/* sendxevent.c 02/04/2002: This is a quick hack to make a version of this program (irxevent) which takes its input from the commandline, rather than from a combination of an lirc config file, and an lirc ir code. NOTE: it also includes the more general purpose RootWindow support, which is a nice 3 line addition to the original program as well, allowing the window id field to understand RootWindow as well as CurrentWindow I compile with 'gcc -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lX11 -o sendxevent sendxevent.c' Doug McClendon - */ #define VERSION "hack" /* $Id: sendxevent.c,v 1.1 2002/03/25 17:20:45 lirc Exp $ */ /**************************************************************************** ** irxevent.c ************************************************************** **************************************************************************** * * irxevent - infra-red xevent sender * * Heinrich Langos * small modifications by Christoph Bartelmus * * irxevent is based on irexec (Copyright (C) 1998 Trent Piepho) * and irx.c (no copyright notice found) * * ======= * HISTORY * ======= * * 0.1 * -Initial Release * * 0.2 * -no more XWarpPointer... sending Buttonclicks to off-screen * applications works becaus i also fake the EnterNotify and LeaveNotify * -support for keysymbols rather than characters... so you can use * Up or Insert or Control_L ... maybe you could play xquake than :*) * * 0.3 * -bugfix for looking for subwindows of non existing windows * -finaly a README file * * 0.3a (done by Christoph Bartelmus) * -read from a shared .lircrc file * -changes to comments * (chris, was that all you changed?) * * 0.4 * -fake_timestamp() to solve gqmpeg problems * -Shift Control and other mod-keys may work. (can't check it right now) * try ctrl-c or shift-Page_up or whatever ... * modifiers: shift, caps, ctrl, alt, meta, numlock, mod3, mod4, scrlock * -size of 'char *keyname' changed from 64 to 128 to allow all mod-keys. * -updated irxevent.README * * 0.4.1 * -started to make smaller version steps :-) * -Use "CurrentWindow" as window name to send events to the window * that -you guessed it- currently has the focus. * * 0.4.2 * -fixed a stupid string bug in key sending. * -updated irxevent.README to be up to date with the .lircrc format. * * 0.4.3 * -changed DEBUG functions to actually produce some output :) * * 0.5.0 * -fixed finding subwindows recursively * -added xy_Key (though xterm and xemacs still don't like me) * -added compilation patch from Ben Hochstedler * for compiling on systems * without strsep() (like some solaris) * * * see http://www.wh9.tu-dresden.de/~heinrich/lirc/irxevent/irxevent.keys * for a the key names. (this one is for you Pablo :-) ) * * for more information see the irxevent.README file * */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* #define DEBUG */ #ifdef DEBUG void debugprintf(char *format_str, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap,format_str); vfprintf(stderr,format_str,ap); va_end(ap); } #else void debugprintf(char *format_str, ...) { } #endif struct keymodlist_t { char *name; Mask mask; }; static struct keymodlist_t keymodlist[]= { {"SHIFT", ShiftMask}, {"CAPS", LockMask}, {"CTRL", ControlMask}, {"ALT", Mod1Mask},{"META", Mod1Mask}, {"NUMLOCK", Mod2Mask}, {"MOD3", Mod3Mask}, /* I don't have a clue what key maps to this. */ {"MOD4", Mod4Mask}, /* I don't have a clue what key maps to this. */ {"SCRLOCK", Mod5Mask}, {NULL,0}, }; const char *key_delimiter ="-"; const char *active_window_name ="CurrentWindow"; const char *root_window_name ="RootWindow"; char *progname; Display *dpy; Window root; XEvent xev; Window w,subw; Time fake_timestamp() /*seems that xfree86 computes the timestamps like this */ /*strange but it relies on the *1000-32bit-wrap-around */ /*if anybody knows exactly how to do it, please contact me */ { int tint; struct timeval tv; struct timezone tz; /* is not used since ages */ gettimeofday(&tv,&tz); tint=(int)tv.tv_sec*1000; tint=tint/1000*1000; tint=tint+tv.tv_usec/1000; return (Time)tint; } Window find_window(Window top,char *name) { char *wname,*iname; XClassHint xch; Window *children,foo; int revert_to_return; unsigned int nc; if (!strcmp(active_window_name,name)){ XGetInputFocus(dpy, &foo, &revert_to_return); return(foo); } else if(!strcmp(root_window_name,name)){ return(root); } /* First the base case */ if (XFetchName(dpy,top,&wname)){ if (!strncmp(wname,name,strlen(name))) { XFree(wname); debugprintf("found it by wname %x \n",top); return(top); /* found it! */ }; XFree(wname); }; if(XGetIconName(dpy,top,&iname)){ if (!strncmp(iname,name,strlen(name))) { XFree(iname); debugprintf("found it by iname %x \n",top); return(top); /* found it! */ }; XFree(iname); }; if(XGetClassHint(dpy,top,&xch)) { if(!strcmp(xch.res_class,name)) { XFree(xch.res_name); XFree(xch.res_class); debugprintf("res_class '%s' res_name '%s' %x \n", xch.res_class,xch.res_name,top); return(top); /* found it! */ }; if(!strcmp(xch.res_name,name)) { XFree(xch.res_name); XFree(xch.res_class); debugprintf("res_class '%s' res_name '%s' %x \n", xch.res_class,xch.res_name,top); return(top); /* found it! */ }; XFree(xch.res_name); XFree(xch.res_class); }; if(!XQueryTree(dpy,top,&foo,&foo,&children,&nc) || children==NULL) { return(0); /* no more windows here */ }; /* check all the sub windows */ for(;nc>0;nc--) { top = find_window(children[nc-1],name); if(top) break; /* we found it somewhere */ }; if(children!=NULL) XFree(children); return(top); } Window find_sub_sub_window(Window top,int *x, int *y) { Window base; Window *children,foo,target=0; unsigned int nc, rel_x,rel_y,width,height,border,depth, new_x=1,new_y=1, targetsize=1000000; base=top; if (!base) {return base;}; if(!XQueryTree(dpy,base,&foo,&foo,&children,&nc) || children==NULL) { return(base); /* no more windows here */ }; debugprintf("found subwindows %d\n",nc); /* check if we hit a sub window and find the smallest one */ for(;nc>0;nc--) { if(XGetGeometry(dpy, children[nc-1], &foo, &rel_x, &rel_y, &width, &height, &border, &depth)){ if ((rel_x<=*x)&&(*x<=rel_x+width)&&(rel_y<=*y)&&(*y<=rel_y+height)){ debugprintf("found a subwindow %x +%d +%d %d x %d \n",children[nc-1], rel_x,rel_y,width,height); if ((width*height)0;nc--) { if(XGetGeometry(dpy, children[nc-1], &foo, &rel_x, &rel_y, &width, &height, &border, &depth)){ if ((rel_x<=*x)&&(*x<=rel_x+width)&&(rel_y<=*y)&&(*y<=rel_y+height)){ debugprintf("found a subwindow %x +%d +%d %d x %d \n",children[nc-1], rel_x,rel_y,width,height); if ((width*height)type = ButtonPress; xev->display=dpy; xev->root=root; xev->subwindow=None; xev->time=fake_timestamp(); xev->x=x;xev->y=y; xev->x_root=1; xev->y_root=1; xev->state=0; xev->button=button; xev->same_screen=True; return; } void make_key(char *keyname,int x, int y,XKeyEvent *xev) { char *part, *part2; struct keymodlist_t *kmlptr; char tmpkeyname[128]; strncpy(tmpkeyname,keyname,128); part2=malloc(128); xev->type = KeyPress; xev->display=dpy; xev->root=root; xev->subwindow = None; xev->time=fake_timestamp(); xev->x=x; xev->y=y; xev->x_root=1; xev->y_root=1; xev->same_screen = True; xev->state=0; while ((part=strsep(&keyname, key_delimiter))) { part2=strncpy(part2,part,128); // debugprintf("- %s \n",part); kmlptr=keymodlist; while (kmlptr->name) { // debugprintf("-- %s %s \n", kmlptr->name, part); if (!strcasecmp(kmlptr->name, part)) xev->state|=kmlptr->mask; kmlptr++; } // debugprintf("--- %s \n",part); } // debugprintf("*** %s \n",part); // debugprintf("*** %s \n",part2); xev->keycode=XKeysymToKeycode(dpy,XStringToKeysym(part2)); debugprintf("state 0x%x, keycode 0x%x\n",xev->state, xev->keycode); free(part2); return ; } void sendfocus(Window w,int in_out) { XFocusChangeEvent focev; focev.display=dpy; focev.type=in_out; focev.window=w; focev.mode=NotifyNormal; focev.detail=NotifyPointer; XSendEvent(dpy,w,True,FocusChangeMask,(XEvent*)&focev); XSync(dpy,True); return; } void sendpointer_enter_or_leave(Window w,int in_out) { XCrossingEvent crossev; crossev.type=in_out; crossev.display=dpy; crossev.window=w; crossev.root=root; crossev.subwindow=None; crossev.time=fake_timestamp(); crossev.x=1; crossev.y=1; crossev.x_root=1; crossev.y_root=1; crossev.mode=NotifyNormal; crossev.detail=NotifyNonlinear; crossev.same_screen=True; crossev.focus=True; crossev.state=0; XSendEvent(dpy,w,True,EnterWindowMask|LeaveWindowMask,(XEvent*)&crossev); XSync(dpy,True); return; } void sendkey(char *keyname,int x,int y,Window w,Window s) { make_key(keyname ,x,y,(XKeyEvent*)&xev); xev.xkey.window=w; xev.xkey.subwindow=s; if (s) sendfocus(s,FocusIn); XSendEvent(dpy,w,True,KeyPressMask,&xev); xev.type = KeyRelease; usleep(2000); xev.xkey.time = fake_timestamp(); if (s) sendfocus(s,FocusOut); XSendEvent(dpy,w,True,KeyReleaseMask,&xev); XSync(dpy,True); return; } void sendbutton(int button, int x, int y, Window w,Window s) { make_button(button,x,y,(XButtonEvent*)&xev); xev.xbutton.window=w; xev.xbutton.subwindow=s; sendpointer_enter_or_leave(w,EnterNotify); sendpointer_enter_or_leave(s,EnterNotify); XSendEvent(dpy,w,True,ButtonPressMask,&xev); XSync(dpy,True); xev.type = ButtonRelease; xev.xkey.state|=0x100; usleep(1000); xev.xkey.time = fake_timestamp(); XSendEvent(dpy,w,True,ButtonReleaseMask,&xev); sendpointer_enter_or_leave(s,LeaveNotify); sendpointer_enter_or_leave(w,LeaveNotify); XSync(dpy,True); return; } int check(char *s) { int d; char *buffer; buffer=malloc(strlen(s)); if(buffer==NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"%s: out of memory\n",progname); return(-1); } if(2!=sscanf(s,"Key %s %s\n",buffer,buffer) && 4!=sscanf(s,"Button %d %d %d %s\n",&d,&d,&d,buffer) && 4!=sscanf(s,"xy_Key %d %d %s %s\n",&d,&d,buffer,buffer)) { fprintf(stderr,"%s: bad config string \"%s\"\n",progname,s); free(buffer); return(-1); } free(buffer); return(0); } static struct option long_options[] = { {"help", no_argument, NULL, 'h'}, {"version", no_argument, NULL, 'V'}, {0, 0, 0, 0} }; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char keyname[128]; int pointer_button,pointer_x,pointer_y; char windowname[64]; char *command=NULL; int c; char *ir; int ret; progname=argv[0]; while ((c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "hV", long_options, NULL)) != EOF) { switch (c) { case 'h': printf("Usage: %s [command]\n", argv[0]); printf("\t -h --help \t\tdisplay usage summary\n"); printf("\t -V --version \t\tdisplay version\n"); return(EXIT_SUCCESS); case 'V': printf("%s %s\n", progname, VERSION); return(EXIT_SUCCESS); case '?': fprintf(stderr, "unrecognized option: -%c\n", optopt); fprintf(stderr, "Try `%s --help' for more information.\n", progname); return(EXIT_FAILURE); } } if (argc == optind+1){ command = argv[optind]; } else if (argc > optind+1){ fprintf(stderr, "%s: incorrect number of arguments.\n", progname); fprintf(stderr, "Try `%s --help' for more information.\n", progname); return(EXIT_FAILURE); } dpy=XOpenDisplay(NULL); if(dpy==NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"Can't open DISPLAY.\n"); exit(1); } root=RootWindow(dpy,DefaultScreen(dpy)); if(2==sscanf(command,"Key %s %s\n",keyname,windowname)) { if((w=find_window(root,windowname))) { debugprintf("keyname: %s \t windowname: %s\n",keyname,windowname); sendkey(keyname,1,1,w,0); } else { debugprintf("target window '%s' not found \n",windowname); } } else if(4==sscanf(command,"Button %d %d %d %s\n", &pointer_button,&pointer_x, &pointer_y,windowname)) { if((w=find_window(root,windowname)) && (subw=find_sub_window(root,windowname,&pointer_x,&pointer_y))) { if (w==subw) subw=0; debugprintf(" %s\n",command); sendbutton(pointer_button,pointer_x,pointer_y,w,subw); } else { debugprintf("target window '%s' not found \n",windowname); } } else if(4==sscanf(command,"xy_Key %d %d %s %s\n", &pointer_x,&pointer_y, keyname,windowname)) { if((w=find_window(root,windowname))&& (subw=find_sub_window(root,windowname,&pointer_x,&pointer_y))) { debugprintf(" %s\n",command); if (w==subw) subw=0; sendkey(keyname,pointer_x,pointer_y,w,subw); } else { debugprintf("target window '%s' not found \n",windowname); } } exit(0); } /* * Local variables: * compile-command: "gcc -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lX11 -o sendxevent sendxevent.c" * End: */