HIGH PRIO: ========== - allow sending of management packets in other states than IEEE80211_S_RUN (e.g. PROBE_REQUESTS in IEEE80211_S_SCAN state) - check locking (especially the macros in ieee80211_linux.h) - too strict locking -> loose performance - too soft -> oops - send multicast / broadcast frames with highest possible basic rate - allow user configuration of basic rates - IBSS merging, sychronization and beaconing - implement "right" iwconfig ath0 key open / restricted behaviour - authentication mode open / shared key - accept unencrypted frames - check if private crypto tkip implementation works for cards without hardware crypto support (SWMIC, SWCRYPT). - duration in 802.11 frames is always 0 - when a wrong WEP key is configured, the hardware decryption does not fail but results in bogus packets (often "sap" packets in tcpdump) - cause HAL_RXERR_DECRYPT is ignored - bandwidth with 2 cards (one in, one out) is only 1/2 of possible rate - may be a locking problem - correct fix for !IEEE80211_ADDR_EQ(wh->i_addr2, ni->ni_bssid) in ieee80211_input.c (line 1986). it's disabled now because it breaks re-association - report both RSN and WPA IEs in scan results for wpa_supplicant - at the moment RSN is preferred over WPA if both are present - suspend/resume LOW PRIO: ======== - define commonly used macros global - cleanup code - remove redundant definitions which have been copied from FreeBSD - e.g.: struct ether_header - consistent configuration either thru sysctl or iwpriv commands - i'd suggest iwpriv (br1) - antenna reconfiguration in ad-hoc mode does not affect beacons if it is done after the beacon is set up (the IBSS is started) LONG TERM: ========== - integration with the upcoming linux ieee80211 stack - inclusion into linux kernel IDEAS: ====== - generate a Configure script to create a Makefile fitting the build environment - write a userspace tool to control all the things wireless_tools do but furthermore also things which are not supported by them - e.g.: wme + parameters, beacon interval, ack/cts timeouts...