AaU"d  d# PostScript+ YHA B 45629: 3Heading: Key Types section 7.2.1 B129074: 3Heading: 2.6.1 The MouseKeysAccel Control section 4.6 Cc<17949: 1Appendix: Appendix B. Default Symbol TransformationsA B,79074: 3Heading: 6.4.2 Detectable AutorepeatSection4.1.2 on page8l B @83380: 3Heading: 12.1.1 Setting a Passive Grabs for an XKB StateSection12.1.1 on page39Bg929682: 2Heading: 4.12 Automatic Reset of Boolean ControlsSection4.12 on page12BD39705: 2Heading: Effects of XKB on Core Protocol Requests and EventsSection12.3 on page43B/35661: 3Heading: 13.2.2 Assigning Types To Keyssection 12.2.3B166444: 3Heading: 12.2.4 Assigning Actions To Keyssection 12.2.4BH45660: 2Heading: 6.6 Server Internal Modifiers and Ignore Locks Behavior section 2.3.1BY@90933: 3Heading: 2.2.2 Computing A State Field from an XKB State section 2.2.2BBd.40656: 3Heading: 2.8.1 Group Compatibility Map section 12.1B1K84091: 2Heading: 13.2 Changing the Keyboard Mapping Using the Core Protocol section 12.2Bl?24503: 3Heading: 15.3.11 Querying and Changing Per-Client Flags8Section 16.3.11 Br"22322: 1Heading: Section 6. Events section 16.4B9"15763: 3Heading: 2.6.3 Key Actions section 6.3rolBo021748: 2Heading: 4.9 The AccessXFeedback Control section 4.9 Bq81140: 3Heading: Key Behavioro section 6.2B6618543: 2Heading: 10.1 Disabling Server Generated Bells section 10.2B3=67222: 3Heading: 2.2.1 Computing Effective Modifier and Group section 2.2.1HB6+48937: 2Heading: 5.1 The RepeatKeys Controla section 4.1 B&12486: 2Heading: 4.11 Boolean Controls section 4.11 fB-28742: 1Heading: 5.0 Global Keyboard Controlse section 4.0oup B T24122: 3Heading: 2.4.2 Determining the Symbol and String Associated with a Key Event Section 7.2o!BtH25094: 2Heading: 7.3 Transforming the KeySym Associated with a Key Event section 7.3l"B3T24122: 3Heading: 2.4.2 Determining the Symbol and String Associated with a Key Event section 7.2"#B6"51617: 2Heading: Virtual Modifiers section 3.00$B9D39705: 2Heading: Effects of XKB on Core Protocol Requests and Events section 12.3%Bo?32581: 2Heading: 2.4 Compatibility Components of Keyboard Statev section 2.4l&B,79074: 3Heading: 6.4.2 Detectable Autorepeat section 4.1.2e M'B #13933: 2Heading: 2.1 Keyboard State+ section 2.0:(B 429579: 3Heading: 3.1.1 Inactive Modifier Definitions section 3.1.1lea)BoClientMapExamplepage 27-*B0@46669: 1Heading: 13.0 The Server Database of Keyboard Components section 13.0+Bt'23341: 1Heading: 11.0 Keyboard GeometryE section 11.0,BBK13490: 3Heading: 15.3.12 Using the Servers Database of Keyboard Componentstsection 16.3.12-BT<14207: 3Heading: 15.3.9 Querying and Changing Symbolic Namessection 16.3.9nt.B+11005: 3Heading: 2.2.1 Modifier Definitionsd section 3.1o/B#15645: 1Heading: 8.0 Symbolic Names section 8.0t0Bv)35210: 2Heading: 11.1 Shapes and Outlines2 section 11.1.41Do124591: 1Appendix: Appendix C. Canonical Key TypesB2B:"22322: 1Heading: Section 6. Events Section 16.43B3#13933: 2Heading: 2.1 Keyboard Statet Section 2.04B7.40656: 3Heading: 2.8.1 Group Compatibility Map Section 12.1ea5Bo#52755: 3Heading: Key Symbol Mapping Section 7.2.26666Bh(59600: 2Heading: 5.2 The SlowKeysControl section 4.27B'+12450: 2Heading: 5.3 The BounceKeys Controlt section 4.38B9"15763: 3Heading: 2.6.3 Key Actions Section 6.3eyb9B129074: 3Heading: 2.6.1 The MouseKeysAccel Controln Section 4.6ing:Bl.27926: 3Heading: 2.7.2 The AccessXKeys Control section 4.7ng:;Bi/27038: 2Heading: 5.8 The AccessXTimeout Control4 section 4.80<B#52755: 3Heading: Key Symbol Mapping1 section 7.2.2 Sh=B /35661: 3Heading: 13.2.2 Assigning Types To KeyseSection 12.2.3Ca>BB%36844: 3Heading: 9.2.1 Indicator Mapsn section 9.2.1n?B%49632: 2Heading: 13.1 Component Names2 section 13.1et@B%98074: 2Heading: 13.3 Component Hints1 section 13.3liAB2@46669: 1Heading: 13.0 The Server Database of Keyboard Components Section 13.0BBhJ26148: 2Heading: 13.2 Partial Components and Combining Multiple Components section 13.2adCBKH36398: 1Heading: 15.0 Interactions Between XKB and the X Input Extension section 15.0DB989133: 1Heading: 14.0 Replacing the Keyboard On-the-Flyt section 14.04.EEB)53186: 1Appendix: Appendix C. New KeySymssCrFB:/67792: 2Heading: 12.5 Sending Events to ClientscSection12.5 on page45tGF/95831: 1Appendix: Appendix D. Protocol EncodingDon HC<17949: 1Appendix: Appendix B. Default Symbol Transformations Appendix ACaIDB124591: 1Appendix: Appendix C. Canonical Key Types Appendix Bsection <$paranumonly>section <$paranumonly>ioAppendix <$paranumonly>Appendix <$paranumonly>oon%Section<$paranum> on page<$pagenum>B%Section<$paranum> on page<$pagenum>ratSection <$paranumonly>Section <$paranumonly>page <$pagenum>epage <$pagenum>aCoappendix <$paranumonly>lappendix <$paranumonly>3ad<$paranumonly><$paranumonly>AQJ InA title.fm4 XBprotocol.fm4tenCdflttrns.fm4D types.fm49Ekeysyms.fm4Fencoding.fm4ardGxkbproto-toc.doc 14Hprototoc.docBIproto-ix.doc d+:2.=scd+/> D=M? Ed=Linksd> BRechts-mg:f-Pe TitleuAuthor. f.Pe SubTitleAuthor. io6$f/ec eonZd Da o EncodingReplyoSymbol EncodingArgs. HHf0@ e14Zc o~o Bc oo   2 V z : .    . 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