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CEXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF  , BMERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGE isBMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE X CONSORTIUM BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM,  e FDAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR  SoFOTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR D to+THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. e, d  $ elZExcept as contained in this notice, the names of the X Consortium, Silicon Graphics Inc.,  so_Hewlett-Packard Company, and Digital Equipment Corporation shall not be used in advertising or opy hidotherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorith*D zation. , HH s a RIDHH RR }ESd J T  HH t b HH FPURPOSE ~Ed K .  NHUV  u b RNYHUV IABILITY N UU` L R  H$  v b O OH$ H D ORUU` M TW .HUV  w a elHUV inof the X ilUUd N  H$  x a t EH$ haising or UUd O mo tHH y p we HHau'' za '` P  -` j  J` k The X Keyboard Extension: }g` i Library Specification |` Q  ` I  ` s  ` t RP ` R  UT UTh S . UT` n  U< UT` o  ` q  ` p  ` u  ` r Amber J. Benson and Gary Aitken ` \  ` ] Erik Fortune ` ^ OSilicon Graphics, Inc. ` _  w` ` Donna Converse ` a zaX Consortium Inc. *` b P 8` c j George Sachs F` d X Hewlett-Packard Company T` e Li rb` f Will Walker p` g IDigital Equipment Corporation ~` h RP d z  Li / cuHH { z THHSTYz  UT UTd rsAcknowledgments 4 UR UTd }  )$ ~ bThis document is the result of a great deal of hard work by a great many people. Without Erik For7 ~ _tunes work as Architect of the X Keyboard Extension and the longtime support of Silicon Graph ED ~ 3ics Inc. there would not be a keyboard extension. Sd { ] a$ `We gratefully thank Will Walker and George Sachs for their help and expertise in providing some nvo \of the content for this document, and Digital Equipment Corporation and Hewlett-Packard for } etballowing them to participate in this project, and we are deeply indebted to IBM for providing the D t 0funding to complete this library specification. d  $ ^Most of all, we thank Gary Aitken and Amber J. Benson for their long hours and late nights as  bultimate authors of this specification, and for serving as authors, document editors, and XKB pro ThYtocol and implementation reviewers. Their commitment to accuracy and completeness, their  ~^attention to detail, their keen insight, and their good natures when working under tremendous  `pressure are in some measure responsible not only for the quality of this document, but for the D fu*quality of the Keyboard extension itself. d rt  d nv d of Matt Landau or%d d Manager, X Window System o3d arX Consortium Inc. Ad t5 February 1996 iOd d  aHH< | q HHl r r ionHH= } a HHl s s heiHH> ~  b HHl t t  asHUV ?  ~ bHUV l u u tmeH$ @  bH$ l v v eirHUV A } a HUV l w w t oH$ B aothH$ l x x tseHHC pnvHHl | y y MaHHD zrX HHl | { {  d aLeftd bRightd c ReferenceHd  pd   qd   z s !f  )Body. f  ) Bulleted\tV. f  )CellBody. f  ) CellHeading. f  ) Footnote. f T ) Heading1Body. f T ) Heading2Body. f T )  HeadingRunInBody. f  )l yIndented. f  )g Numbered.\t. f E ) Numbered1.\tNumbered. f  )f TableFootnote. f T )  TableTitleT:Table : .  f P ) TitleBody. f T )  TableTitleT:Table : . f  ) CellHeading. f  )CellBody. f  ) CellFooting. f  )Body. @  lHeader. @  blaFooter. f  )Body. f  ) Body. f  )Body. f  )Body. f  ) Body. f  )Body. f  )Body. f  ) Body. f  )Body. f  ) Body. f  ) Body. f  ) Body.   ڝ ) ڝ  tu ) ) ) [ )  ) Emphasis ) EquationVariables [ ) ڝ )) ) ڝ ) yc> )[ ) yc> )) )     )  )  )f  )  )  ))Thin )Medium.  )Double )Thick@ ) Very Thin  -    ) ) )H H H H H Format A   ) ) )H H H H H Format B  +Comment!" ) 9 1d  )BlackT! *WhiteddA +Reddd , Greendd  -Blued .Cyand /Magenta )d 0Yellow Times-Roman Times-BoldHelvetica-Bold Helvetica Times-ItalicTimes Helvetica RegularRegular BoldRegularItaliccZ#W@I$]ie.2{С8L[D{<7*mDٵ%v94ď ؽXR$Poz}R