/********************************************************************** Copyright 2002 by Shigehiro Nomura. All Rights Reserved Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the name of Shigehiro Nomura not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission. Shigehiro Nomura and its suppliers make no representations about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. SHIGEHIRO NOMURA DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS, IN NO EVENT SHALL SHIGEHIRO NOMURA AND/OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. **********************************************************************/ /* * Copyright 2002 SuSE Linux AG, Author: Egbert Eich */ /* $XFree86: xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/drivers/neomagic/neo_video.c,v 1.6tsi Exp $ */ #include "neo.h" #include "neo_video.h" #define nElems(x) (sizeof(x) / sizeof(x[0])) #define MAKE_ATOM(a) MakeAtom(a, sizeof(a) - 1, TRUE) #include "dixstruct.h" #include "xaa.h" #include "xaalocal.h" static XF86VideoAdaptorPtr NEOSetupVideo(ScreenPtr); static int NEOPutVideo(ScrnInfoPtr, short, short, short, short, short, short, short, short, RegionPtr, pointer); static void NEOStopVideo(ScrnInfoPtr, pointer, Bool); static int NEOSetPortAttribute(ScrnInfoPtr, Atom, INT32, pointer); static int NEOGetPortAttribute(ScrnInfoPtr, Atom, INT32 *, pointer); static void NEOQueryBestSize(ScrnInfoPtr, Bool, short, short, short, short, unsigned int *, unsigned int *, pointer); static int NEOPutImage(ScrnInfoPtr, short, short, short, short, short, short, short, short, int, unsigned char *, short, short, Bool, RegionPtr, pointer); static int NEOQueryImageAttributes(ScrnInfoPtr, int, unsigned short *, unsigned short *, int *, int *); static void NEODisplayVideo(ScrnInfoPtr, int, int, short, short, int, int, int, int, int, BoxPtr, short, short, short, short); static void NEOInitOffscreenImages(ScreenPtr); static FBLinearPtr NEOAllocateMemory(ScrnInfoPtr, FBLinearPtr, int); static int NEOAllocSurface(ScrnInfoPtr, int, unsigned short, unsigned short, XF86SurfacePtr); static int NEOFreeSurface(XF86SurfacePtr); static int NEODisplaySurface(XF86SurfacePtr, short, short, short, short, short, short, short, short, RegionPtr clipBoxes); static int NEOStopSurface(XF86SurfacePtr); static int NEOGetSurfaceAttribute(ScrnInfoPtr, Atom, INT32 *); static int NEOSetSurfaceAttribute(ScrnInfoPtr, Atom, INT32); static Atom xvColorKey, xvBrightness, xvInterlace; void NEOInitVideo(ScreenPtr pScreen) { ScrnInfoPtr pScrn = xf86Screens[pScreen->myNum]; NEOPtr nPtr = NEOPTR(pScrn); XF86VideoAdaptorPtr *overlayAdaptors, *newAdaptors = NULL; XF86VideoAdaptorPtr newAdaptor = NULL; int numAdaptors; numAdaptors = xf86XVListGenericAdaptors(pScrn, &overlayAdaptors); if (nPtr->NeoChipset > NM2070 && !nPtr->noLinear && nPtr->NeoMMIOBase2 != NULL){ nPtr->video = TRUE; newAdaptor = NEOSetupVideo(pScreen); NEOInitOffscreenImages(pScreen); } else nPtr->video = FALSE; if (newAdaptor){ if (!numAdaptors){ numAdaptors = 1; overlayAdaptors = &newAdaptor; } else { newAdaptors = xalloc((numAdaptors + 1) * sizeof(XF86VideoAdaptorPtr*)); if (newAdaptors){ memcpy(newAdaptors, overlayAdaptors, numAdaptors * sizeof(XF86VideoAdaptorPtr)); newAdaptors[numAdaptors++] = newAdaptor; overlayAdaptors = newAdaptors; } } } if (numAdaptors) xf86XVScreenInit(pScreen, overlayAdaptors, numAdaptors); if (newAdaptors) xfree(newAdaptors); } static XF86VideoEncodingRec NEOVideoEncodings[] = { { NEO_VIDEO_VIDEO, "XV_VIDEO", 1024, 1024, {1, 1} }, { NEO_VIDEO_IMAGE, "XV_IMAGE", 1024, 1024, {1, 1} } }; static XF86VideoFormatRec NEOVideoFormats[] = { { 8, PseudoColor }, { 15, TrueColor }, { 16, TrueColor }, { 24, TrueColor }, }; static XF86AttributeRec NEOVideoAttributes[] = { { XvSettable | XvGettable, 0x000000, 0xFFFFFF, "XV_COLORKEY" }, { XvSettable | XvGettable, -128, 127, "XV_BRIGHTNESS" }, { XvSettable | XvGettable, 0,2, "XV_INTERLACE" }, }; static XF86ImageRec NEOVideoImages[] = { XVIMAGE_YUY2, XVIMAGE_YV12, XVIMAGE_I420, { FOURCC_RV15, XvRGB, LSBFirst, { 'R', 'V' ,'1', '5', 0x00,'5',0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00}, 16, XvPacked, 1, 15, 0x001F, 0x03E0, 0x7C00, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, { 'R', 'V', 'B' }, XvTopToBottom }, { FOURCC_RV16, XvRGB, LSBFirst, { 'R', 'V' ,'1', '6', 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00 }, 16, XvPacked, 1, 16, 0xF800, 0x07E0, 0x001F, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, { 'R', 'V', 'B' }, XvTopToBottom } }; static XF86VideoAdaptorPtr NEOSetupVideo(ScreenPtr pScreen) { ScrnInfoPtr pScrn = xf86Screens[pScreen->myNum]; NEOPtr nPtr = NEOPTR(pScrn); NEOPortPtr pPriv; XF86VideoAdaptorPtr overlayAdaptor; int i; #ifdef DEBUG xf86DrvMsg(pScrn->scrnIndex,X_INFO,"NEOSetupVideo\n"); #endif if ((overlayAdaptor = xcalloc(1, sizeof(XF86VideoAdaptorRec) + sizeof(DevUnion) + sizeof(NEOPortRec))) == NULL){ return (NULL); } overlayAdaptor->type = XvInputMask | XvImageMask | XvWindowMask | XvOutputMask | XvVideoMask; overlayAdaptor->flags = VIDEO_OVERLAID_IMAGES | VIDEO_CLIP_TO_VIEWPORT; overlayAdaptor->name = "NeoMagic Video Engine"; overlayAdaptor->nEncodings = nElems(NEOVideoEncodings); overlayAdaptor->pEncodings = NEOVideoEncodings; for (i = 0; i < nElems(NEOVideoEncodings); i++){ NEOVideoEncodings[i].width = 1024; NEOVideoEncodings[i].height = 1024; } overlayAdaptor->nFormats = nElems(NEOVideoFormats); overlayAdaptor->pFormats = NEOVideoFormats; overlayAdaptor->nPorts = 1; overlayAdaptor->pPortPrivates = (DevUnion*) &overlayAdaptor[1]; overlayAdaptor->pPortPrivates[0].ptr = (pointer) &overlayAdaptor->pPortPrivates[1]; overlayAdaptor->nAttributes = nElems(NEOVideoAttributes); overlayAdaptor->pAttributes = NEOVideoAttributes; overlayAdaptor->nImages = nElems(NEOVideoImages); overlayAdaptor->pImages = NEOVideoImages; overlayAdaptor->PutVideo = NEOPutVideo; overlayAdaptor->PutStill = NULL; overlayAdaptor->GetVideo = NULL; overlayAdaptor->GetStill = NULL; overlayAdaptor->StopVideo = NEOStopVideo; overlayAdaptor->SetPortAttribute = NEOSetPortAttribute; overlayAdaptor->GetPortAttribute = NEOGetPortAttribute; overlayAdaptor->QueryBestSize = NEOQueryBestSize; overlayAdaptor->PutImage = NEOPutImage; overlayAdaptor->QueryImageAttributes = NEOQueryImageAttributes; pPriv = (NEOPortPtr)overlayAdaptor->pPortPrivates[0].ptr; pPriv->colorKey = nPtr->videoKey; pPriv->interlace = nPtr->interlace; pPriv->videoStatus = 0; pPriv->brightness = 0; REGION_NULL(pScreen, &pPriv->clip); nPtr->overlayAdaptor = overlayAdaptor; xvBrightness = MAKE_ATOM("XV_BRIGHTNESS"); xvColorKey = MAKE_ATOM("XV_COLORKEY"); xvInterlace = MAKE_ATOM("XV_INTERLACE"); NEOResetVideo(pScrn); return (overlayAdaptor); } void NEOResetVideo(ScrnInfoPtr pScrn) { NEOPtr nPtr = NEOPTR(pScrn); NEOPortPtr pPriv = (NEOPortPtr)nPtr->overlayAdaptor->pPortPrivates[0].ptr; int r, g, b; VGA_HWP(pScrn); #ifdef DEBUG xf86DrvMsg(pScrn->scrnIndex,X_INFO,"NEOResetVideo\n"); #endif switch (pScrn->depth){ case 8: OUTGR(0xc6, pPriv->colorKey & 0); OUTGR(0xc5, pPriv->colorKey & 0xff); OUTGR(0xc7, pPriv->colorKey & 0); break; default: r = (pPriv->colorKey & pScrn->mask.red) >> pScrn->offset.red; g = (pPriv->colorKey & pScrn->mask.green) >> pScrn->offset.green; b = (pPriv->colorKey & pScrn->mask.blue) >> pScrn->offset.blue; OUTGR(0xc5, r); OUTGR(0xc6, g); OUTGR(0xc7, b); break; } OUTGR(0xc4, pPriv->brightness); } static int NEOPutVideo(ScrnInfoPtr pScrn, short src_x, short src_y, short drw_x, short drw_y, short src_w, short src_h, short drw_w, short drw_h, RegionPtr clipBoxes, pointer data) { NEOPortPtr pPriv = (NEOPortPtr)data; NEOPtr nPtr = NEOPTR(pScrn); CARD32 src_pitch, offset; int xscale, yscale; BoxRec dstBox; INT32 x1, y1, x2, y2; int size, bpp; unsigned char capctrl; VGA_HWP(pScrn); #ifdef DEBUG xf86DrvMsg(pScrn->scrnIndex,X_INFO,"NEOPutVideo: src: %d %d %d %d\n", src_x, src_y, src_w, src_h); xf86DrvMsg(pScrn->scrnIndex,X_INFO,"NEOPutVideo: drw: %d %d %d %d\n", drw_x, drw_y, drw_w, drw_h); #endif if (src_w > 720) src_w = 720; if (src_h > 576) src_h = 576; if (pPriv->interlace != 2) src_h /= 2; x1 = src_x; y1 = src_y; x2 = src_x + src_w; y2 = src_y + src_h; dstBox.x1 = drw_x; dstBox.y1 = drw_y; dstBox.x2 = drw_x + drw_w; dstBox.y2 = drw_y + drw_h; if (!xf86XVClipVideoHelper(&dstBox, &x1, &x2, &y1, &y2, clipBoxes, src_w, src_h)){ return(Success); } #ifdef DEBUG xf86DrvMsg(pScrn->scrnIndex,X_INFO,"NEOPutVideo: %d %d %d %d\n", x1, y1, x2, y2); #endif dstBox.x1 -= pScrn->frameX0; dstBox.y1 -= pScrn->frameY0; dstBox.x2 -= pScrn->frameX0; dstBox.y2 -= pScrn->frameY0; #ifdef DEBUG xf86DrvMsg(pScrn->scrnIndex,X_INFO,"NEOPutVideo: dstBox %d %d %d %d\n", dstBox.x1, dstBox.y1, dstBox.x2, dstBox.y2); #endif bpp = (pScrn->bitsPerPixel + 1) >> 3; src_pitch = (src_w + 7) & ~7; xscale = 0x1000; if (src_w <= drw_w){ xscale = (src_w * 0x1000 / drw_w) & 0xffff; } yscale = 0x1000; if (src_h <= drw_h){ yscale = (src_h * 0x1000 / drw_h) & 0xffff; } size = src_h * src_pitch * 2; if (size > nPtr->overlay){ if ((pPriv->linear = NEOAllocateMemory(pScrn, pPriv->linear, size)) == NULL){ return (BadAlloc); } } else { pPriv->linear = NULL; } if (pPriv->linear == NULL){ offset = nPtr->overlay_offset; } else { offset = pPriv->linear->offset * bpp; } #ifdef DEBUG xf86DrvMsg(pScrn->scrnIndex,X_INFO,"NEOPutVideo: offset=0x%x\n", offset); #endif WAIT_ENGINE_IDLE(); memset(nPtr->NeoFbBase + offset, 0, size); if (!REGION_EQUAL(pScrn->pScreen, &pPriv->clip, clipBoxes)){ REGION_COPY(pScrn->pScreen, &pPriv->clip, clipBoxes); xf86XVFillKeyHelper(pScrn->pScreen, pPriv->colorKey, clipBoxes); } x1 >>= 16; y1 >>= 16; x2 >>= 16; y2 >>= 16; switch (nPtr->NeoChipset) { default: case NM2090: case NM2093: case NM2097: case NM2160: offset/=2; OUTGR(0xbc, 0x4f); break; case NM2200: case NM2230: case NM2360: case NM2380: OUTGR(0xbc, 0x2e); break; } OUTGR(0xb1, (((dstBox.x2-1) >> 4) & 0xf0) | ((dstBox.x1 >> 8) & 0x0f)); OUTGR(0xb2, dstBox.x1); OUTGR(0xb3, dstBox.x2 - 1); OUTGR(0xb4, (((dstBox.y2 - 1) >> 4) & 0xf0) | ((dstBox.y1 >> 8) & 0x0f)); OUTGR(0xb5, dstBox.y1); OUTGR(0xb6, dstBox.y2 - 1); OUTGR(0xb7, offset >> 16); OUTGR(0xb8, offset >> 8); OUTGR(0xb9, offset ); OUTGR(0xba, src_pitch >> 8); OUTGR(0xbb, src_pitch); OUTGR(0xc0, xscale >> 8); OUTGR(0xc1, xscale); OUTGR(0xc2, yscale >> 8); OUTGR(0xc3, yscale); OUTGR(0xbf, 0x02); OUTGR(0x0a, 0x21); OUTSR(0x0c, offset ); OUTSR(0x0d, offset >> 8); OUTSR(0x0e, offset >> 16); OUTSR(0x1a, src_pitch); OUTSR(0x1b, src_pitch>>8); OUTSR(0x17, 0 + x1); OUTSR(0x18, 0 + x2 -1); OUTSR(0x19, (((0 + x2 - 1) >> 4) & 0xf0) | (((0 + x1) >> 8) & 0x0f)); OUTSR(0x14, 14 + y1); OUTSR(0x15, 14 + y2 - 2); OUTSR(0x16, (((14 + y2 - 1) >> 4) & 0xf0) | (((14 + y1) >> 8) & 0x0f)); OUTSR(0x1c, 0xfb); OUTSR(0x1d, 0x00); OUTSR(0x1e, 0xe2); OUTSR(0x1f, 0x02); OUTSR(0x09, 0x11); OUTSR(0x0a, 0x00); capctrl = 0x21; switch (pPriv->interlace){ case 0: /* Combine 2 fields */ break; case 1: /* one field only */ capctrl |= 0x80; break; case 2: /* Interlaced fields */ capctrl |= 0x40; break; } OUTSR(0x08, capctrl); #if 0 OUTGR(0x0a, 0x01); #endif OUTGR(0xb0, 0x03); pPriv->videoStatus = CLIENT_VIDEO_ON; return (Success); } static void NEOStopVideo(ScrnInfoPtr pScrn, pointer data, Bool exit) { NEOPortPtr pPriv = (NEOPortPtr)data; NEOPtr nPtr = NEOPTR(pScrn); VGA_HWP(pScrn); #ifdef DEBUG xf86DrvMsg(pScrn->scrnIndex,X_INFO,"NEOStopVideo\n"); #endif REGION_EMPTY(pScrn->pScreen, &pPriv->clip); if (exit){ if (pPriv->videoStatus & CLIENT_VIDEO_ON){ #ifdef DEBUG xf86DrvMsg(pScrn->scrnIndex,X_INFO,"NEOStopVideo: stop capture\n"); #endif OUTGR(0xb0, 0x02); OUTGR(0x0a, 0x21); OUTSR(0x08, 0xa0); #if 0 OUTGR(0x0a, 0x01); #endif } if (pPriv->linear != NULL){ xf86FreeOffscreenLinear(pPriv->linear); pPriv->linear = NULL; } pPriv->videoStatus = 0; } else { if (pPriv->videoStatus & CLIENT_VIDEO_ON){ OUTGR(0xb0, 0x02); OUTGR(0x0a, 0x21); OUTSR(0x08, 0xa0); #if 0 OUTGR(0x0a, 0x01); #endif pPriv->videoStatus |= OFF_TIMER; pPriv->offTime = currentTime.milliseconds + OFF_DELAY; } } } static int NEOSetPortAttribute(ScrnInfoPtr pScrn, Atom attribute, INT32 value, pointer data) { NEOPortPtr pPriv = (NEOPortPtr)data; NEOPtr nPtr = NEOPTR(pScrn); VGA_HWP(pScrn); #ifdef DEBUG xf86DrvMsg(pScrn->scrnIndex,X_INFO,"NEOSetPortAttribute\n"); #endif if (attribute == xvColorKey){ int r, g, b; pPriv->colorKey = value; switch (pScrn->depth){ case 8: OUTGR(0xc6, pPriv->colorKey & 0xff); OUTGR(0xc5, 0x00); OUTGR(0xc7, 0x00); break; default: r = (pPriv->colorKey & pScrn->mask.red) >> pScrn->offset.red; g = (pPriv->colorKey & pScrn->mask.green) >> pScrn->offset.green; b = (pPriv->colorKey & pScrn->mask.blue) >> pScrn->offset.blue; OUTGR(0xc5, r); OUTGR(0xc6, g); OUTGR(0xc7, b); } } else if (attribute == xvBrightness){ if ((value < -128) || (value > 127)){ return (BadValue); } pPriv->brightness = value; OUTGR(0xc4, value); } else if (attribute == xvInterlace){ if (value < 0 || value > 2){ return (BadValue); } pPriv->interlace = value; } else { return (BadMatch); } return (Success); } static int NEOGetPortAttribute(ScrnInfoPtr pScrn, Atom attribute, INT32 *value, pointer data) { NEOPortPtr pPriv = (NEOPortPtr)data; #ifdef DEBUG xf86DrvMsg(pScrn->scrnIndex,X_INFO,"NEOGetPortAttribute\n"); #endif if (attribute == xvColorKey){ *value = pPriv->colorKey; } else if (attribute == xvBrightness){ *value = pPriv->brightness; } else if (attribute == xvInterlace){ *value = pPriv->interlace; } else { return (BadMatch); } return (Success); } static void NEOQueryBestSize(ScrnInfoPtr pScrn, Bool motion, short vid_w, short vid_h, short drw_w, short drw_h, unsigned int *p_w, unsigned int *p_h, pointer data) { #ifdef DEBUG xf86DrvMsg(pScrn->scrnIndex,X_INFO,"NEOQueryBestSize\n"); #endif *p_w = min(drw_w, 1024); *p_h = min(drw_h, 1024); } static int NEOPutImage(ScrnInfoPtr pScrn, short src_x, short src_y, short drw_x, short drw_y, short src_w, short src_h, short drw_w, short drw_h, int id, unsigned char *buf, short width, short height, Bool sync, RegionPtr clipBoxes, pointer data) { NEOPtr nPtr = NEOPTR(pScrn); NEOPortPtr pPriv = (NEOPortPtr)nPtr->overlayAdaptor->pPortPrivates[0].ptr; INT32 x1, y1, x2, y2; int bpp; int srcPitch, srcPitch2 = 0, dstPitch, size; BoxRec dstBox; CARD32 offset, offset2 = 0, offset3 = 0, tmp; int left, top, nPixels, nLines; unsigned char *dstStart; #ifdef DEBUG xf86DrvMsg(pScrn->scrnIndex,X_INFO,"NEOPutImage\n"); #endif x1 = src_x; y1 = src_y; x2 = src_x + src_w; y2 = src_y + src_h; dstBox.x1 = drw_x; dstBox.y1 = drw_y; dstBox.x2 = drw_x + drw_w; dstBox.y2 = drw_y + drw_h; if (!xf86XVClipVideoHelper(&dstBox, &x1, &x2, &y1, &y2, clipBoxes, width, height)){ return (Success); } dstBox.x1 -= pScrn->frameX0; dstBox.y1 -= pScrn->frameY0; dstBox.x2 -= pScrn->frameX0; dstBox.y2 -= pScrn->frameY0; bpp = ((pScrn->bitsPerPixel + 1) >> 3); switch (id){ case FOURCC_YV12: srcPitch = (width + 3) & ~3; offset2 = srcPitch * height; srcPitch2 = ((width >> 1) + 3) & ~3; offset3 = offset2 + (srcPitch2 * (height >> 1)); dstPitch = ((width << 1) + 15) & ~15; break; case FOURCC_I420: srcPitch = (width + 3) & ~3; offset3 = srcPitch * height; srcPitch2 = ((width >> 1) + 3) & ~3; offset2 = offset3 + (srcPitch2 * (height >> 1)); dstPitch = ((width << 1) + 15) & ~15; break; case FOURCC_YUY2: case FOURCC_RV15: case FOURCC_RV16: default: srcPitch = width << 1; dstPitch = (srcPitch + 15) & ~15; break; } size = dstPitch * height; if (size > nPtr->overlay){ if ((pPriv->linear = NEOAllocateMemory(pScrn, pPriv->linear, size)) == NULL){ return (BadAlloc); } } else { pPriv->linear = NULL; } top = y1 >> 16; left = (x1 >> 16) & ~1; nPixels = ((((x2 + 0xFFFF) >> 16) + 1) & ~1) - left; left <<= 1; if (pPriv->linear == NULL){ offset = nPtr->overlay_offset; } else { offset = pPriv->linear->offset * bpp; } #ifdef DEBUG xf86DrvMsg(pScrn->scrnIndex,X_INFO,"offset=%x\n", offset); #endif dstStart = (unsigned char *)(nPtr->NeoFbBase + offset + left); switch (id){ case FOURCC_YV12: case FOURCC_I420: top &= ~1; tmp = ((top >> 1) * srcPitch2) + (left >> 2); offset2 += tmp; offset3 += tmp; nLines = ((((y2 + 0xFFFF) >> 16) + 1) & ~1) - top; xf86XVCopyYUV12ToPacked(buf + (top * srcPitch) + (left >> 1), buf + offset2, buf + offset3, dstStart, srcPitch, srcPitch2, dstPitch, nLines, nPixels); break; default: buf += (top * srcPitch) + left; nLines = ((y2 + 0xFFFF) >> 16) - top; xf86XVCopyPacked(buf, dstStart, srcPitch, dstPitch, nLines, nPixels << 1); } if (!REGION_EQUAL(pScrn->pScreen, &pPriv->clip, clipBoxes)){ REGION_COPY(pScrn->pScreen, &pPriv->clip, clipBoxes); xf86XVFillKeyHelper(pScrn->pScreen, pPriv->colorKey, clipBoxes); } NEODisplayVideo(pScrn, id, offset, width, height, dstPitch, x1, y1, x2, y2, &dstBox, src_w, src_h, drw_w, drw_h); pPriv->videoStatus = CLIENT_VIDEO_ON; return (Success); } static int NEOQueryImageAttributes(ScrnInfoPtr pScrn, int id, unsigned short *width, unsigned short *height, int *pitches, int *offsets) { int size, tmp; #ifdef DEBUG xf86DrvMsg(pScrn->scrnIndex,X_INFO,"NEOQueryImageAttributes\n"); #endif if (*width > 1024){ *width = 1024; } if (*height > 1024){ *height = 1024; } *width = (*width + 1) & ~1; if (offsets != NULL){ offsets[0] = 0; } switch (id){ case FOURCC_YV12: case FOURCC_I420: *height = (*height + 1) & ~1; size = (*width + 3) & ~3; if (pitches != NULL){ pitches[0] = size; } size *= *height; if (offsets != NULL){ offsets[1] = size; } tmp = ((*width >> 1) + 3) & ~3; if (pitches != NULL){ pitches[1] = pitches[2] = tmp; } tmp *= (*height >> 1); size += tmp; if (offsets != NULL){ offsets[2] = size; } size += tmp; break; case FOURCC_YUY2: case FOURCC_RV15: case FOURCC_RV16: default: size = *width * 2; if (pitches != NULL){ pitches[0] = size; } size *= *height; break; } return (size); } static void NEODisplayVideo(ScrnInfoPtr pScrn, int id, int offset, short width, short height, int pitch, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, BoxPtr dstBox, short src_w, short src_h, short drw_w, short drw_h) { NEOPtr nPtr = NEOPTR(pScrn); int hstretch, vstretch, fmt; VGA_HWP(pScrn); #ifdef DEBUG xf86DrvMsg(pScrn->scrnIndex,X_INFO,"NEODisplayVideo\n"); xf86DrvMsg(pScrn->scrnIndex,X_INFO,"NEODisplayVideo src_w=%d, src_h=%d, pitch=%d, drw_w=%d, drw_h=%d\n", src_w, src_h, pitch, drw_w, drw_h); #endif #define WIDTH_THRESHOLD 160 if (dstBox->x2 >= pScrn->virtualX) { /* * This is a hack to work around a problem when video is moved * accross the right border. */ int diff_s = (width - ((x2 - x1) >> 16)) & ~1; int diff_d = (drw_w - dstBox->x2 + dstBox->x1) & ~1; offset -= 2 * ((diff_s > diff_d) ? diff_d : diff_s); dstBox->x1 -= diff_d; } else if (dstBox->x2 - dstBox->x1 < WIDTH_THRESHOLD) { /* * When the video window is less than about 160 pixel wide * it will be distoreted. We attempt to fix it by actually * making it wider and relying on the color key to prevent * it from appearing outside of the video. */ int pre, post; int scale = 1; if (dstBox->x1 < WIDTH_THRESHOLD) { pre = dstBox->x1; post = 160 - pre; } else { pre = 160; post = 0; } offset -= 2 * scale * pre; dstBox->x1 -= pre; dstBox->x2 += post; } if (nPtr->videoHZoom != 1.0) { if ((dstBox->x2 += 5) > pScrn->virtualX) dstBox->x2 = pScrn->virtualX; if (dstBox->x1 > 0) dstBox->x1 += 2; } fmt = 0x00; switch (id){ case FOURCC_YV12: case FOURCC_I420: case FOURCC_YUY2: fmt = 0x00; break; case FOURCC_RV15: case FOURCC_RV16: fmt = 0x20; break; } offset += (x1 >> 15) & ~0x03; switch (nPtr->NeoChipset) { default: case NM2090: case NM2093: case NM2097: case NM2160: offset/=2; pitch/=2; OUTGR(0xbc, 0x4f); break; case NM2200: case NM2230: case NM2360: case NM2380: OUTGR(0xbc, 0x2e); break; } /* factor 4 for granularity */ hstretch = (double)0x1000 * 4 / (int)(nPtr->videoHZoom * 4); if (drw_w > src_w) hstretch = (((int)src_w) * hstretch) / (int) drw_w; vstretch = (double)0x1000 / nPtr->videoVZoom; if (drw_h > src_h) vstretch = (((int)src_h) * vstretch )/ (int) drw_h; OUTGR(0xb1, (((dstBox->x2 - 1) >> 4) & 0xf0) | ((dstBox->x1 >> 8) & 0x0f)); OUTGR(0xb2, dstBox->x1); OUTGR(0xb3, dstBox->x2 - 1); OUTGR(0xb4, (((dstBox->y2 - 1) >> 4) & 0xf0) | ((dstBox->y1 >> 8) & 0x0f)); OUTGR(0xb5, dstBox->y1); OUTGR(0xb6, dstBox->y2 - 1); OUTGR(0xb7, offset >> 16); OUTGR(0xb8, offset >> 8); OUTGR(0xb9, offset ); OUTGR(0xba, pitch >> 8); OUTGR(0xbb, pitch); OUTGR(0xbd, 0x02); OUTGR(0xbe, 0x00); OUTGR(0xbf, 0x02); OUTGR(0xc0, hstretch >> 8); OUTGR(0xc1, hstretch); OUTGR(0xc2, vstretch >> 8); OUTGR(0xc3, vstretch); OUTGR(0xb0, fmt | 0x03); OUTGR(0x0a, 0x21); OUTSR(0x08, 0xa0); OUTGR(0x0a, 0x01); } static void NEOInitOffscreenImages(ScreenPtr pScreen) { XF86OffscreenImagePtr offscreenImages; #ifdef DEBUG xf86DrvMsg(xf86Screens[pScreen->myNum]->scrnIndex,X_INFO,"NEOInitOffscreenImages\n"); #endif if ((offscreenImages = xalloc(sizeof(XF86OffscreenImageRec))) == NULL){ return; } offscreenImages->image = NEOVideoImages; offscreenImages->flags = VIDEO_OVERLAID_IMAGES | VIDEO_CLIP_TO_VIEWPORT; offscreenImages->alloc_surface = NEOAllocSurface; offscreenImages->free_surface = NEOFreeSurface; offscreenImages->display = NEODisplaySurface; offscreenImages->stop = NEOStopSurface; offscreenImages->getAttribute = NEOGetSurfaceAttribute; offscreenImages->setAttribute = NEOSetSurfaceAttribute; offscreenImages->max_width = 1024; offscreenImages->max_height = 1024; offscreenImages->num_attributes = nElems(NEOVideoAttributes); offscreenImages->attributes = NEOVideoAttributes; xf86XVRegisterOffscreenImages(pScreen, offscreenImages, 1); } static FBLinearPtr NEOAllocateMemory(ScrnInfoPtr pScrn, FBLinearPtr linear, int size) { ScreenPtr pScreen; FBLinearPtr new_linear; int bytespp = pScrn->bitsPerPixel >> 3; /* convert size in bytes into number of pixels */ size = (size + bytespp - 1) / bytespp; #ifdef DEBUG xf86DrvMsg(pScrn->scrnIndex,X_INFO, "NEOAllocateMemory: linear=%x, size=%d\n", linear, size); #endif if (linear){ #ifdef DEBUG xf86DrvMsg(pScrn->scrnIndex,X_INFO, "NEOAllocateMemory: linear->size=%d\n", linear->size); #endif if (linear->size >= size){ return (linear); } if (xf86ResizeOffscreenLinear(linear, size)){ return (linear); } xf86FreeOffscreenLinear(linear); } pScreen = screenInfo.screens[pScrn->scrnIndex]; if ((new_linear = xf86AllocateOffscreenLinear(pScreen, size, 16, NULL, NULL, NULL)) == NULL){ int max_size; xf86QueryLargestOffscreenLinear(pScreen, &max_size, 16, PRIORITY_EXTREME); #ifdef DEBUG xf86DrvMsg(pScrn->scrnIndex,X_INFO, "NEOAllocateMemory: max_size=%d\n", max_size); #endif if (max_size < size){ return (NULL); } xf86PurgeUnlockedOffscreenAreas(pScreen); new_linear = xf86AllocateOffscreenLinear(pScreen, size, 16, NULL, NULL, NULL); } return (new_linear); } static int NEOAllocSurface(ScrnInfoPtr pScrn, int id, unsigned short width, unsigned short height, XF86SurfacePtr surface) { int pitch, size; NEOOffscreenPtr pPriv; FBLinearPtr linear; #ifdef DEBUG xf86DrvMsg(pScrn->scrnIndex,X_INFO,"NEOAllocSurface\n"); #endif if (width > 1024 || height > 1024){ return (BadAlloc); } width = (width + 1) & ~1; pitch = ((width << 1) + 15) & ~15; size = pitch * height; if ((linear = NEOAllocateMemory(pScrn, NULL, size)) == NULL){ return (BadAlloc); } surface->width = width; surface->height = height; if ((surface->pitches = xalloc(sizeof(int))) == NULL){ xf86FreeOffscreenLinear(linear); return (BadAlloc); } if ((surface->offsets = xalloc(sizeof(int))) == NULL){ xfree(surface->pitches); xf86FreeOffscreenLinear(linear); return (BadAlloc); } if ((pPriv = xalloc(sizeof(NEOOffscreenRec))) == NULL){ xfree(surface->pitches); xfree(surface->offsets); xf86FreeOffscreenLinear(linear); return (BadAlloc); } pPriv->linear = linear; pPriv->isOn = FALSE; surface->pScrn = pScrn; surface->id = id; surface->pitches[0] = pitch; surface->offsets[0] = linear->offset << 1; surface->devPrivate.ptr = (pointer)pPriv; return (Success); } static int NEOFreeSurface(XF86SurfacePtr surface) { NEOOffscreenPtr pPriv = (NEOOffscreenPtr)surface->devPrivate.ptr; #ifdef DEBUG xf86DrvMsg(0,X_INFO,"NEOFreeSurface\n"); #endif if (pPriv->isOn) NEOStopSurface(surface); xf86FreeOffscreenLinear(pPriv->linear); xfree(surface->pitches); xfree(surface->offsets); xfree(surface->devPrivate.ptr); return (Success); } static int NEODisplaySurface(XF86SurfacePtr surface, short src_x, short src_y, short drw_x, short drw_y, short src_w, short src_h, short drw_w, short drw_h, RegionPtr clipBoxes) { NEOOffscreenPtr pPriv = (NEOOffscreenPtr)surface->devPrivate.ptr; NEOPtr nPtr = NEOPTR(surface->pScrn); NEOPortPtr portPriv = nPtr->overlayAdaptor->pPortPrivates[0].ptr; INT32 x1, y1, x2, y2; BoxRec dstBox; #ifdef DEBUG xf86DrvMsg(surface->pScrn->scrnIndex,X_INFO,"NEODisplaySurface\n"); #endif x1 = src_x; x2 = src_x + src_w; y1 = src_y; y2 = src_y + src_h; dstBox.x1 = drw_x; dstBox.x2 = drw_x + drw_w; dstBox.y1 = drw_y; dstBox.y2 = drw_y + drw_h; if (!xf86XVClipVideoHelper( &dstBox, &x1, &x2, &y1, &y2, clipBoxes, surface->width, surface->height)){ return (Success); } dstBox.x1 -= surface->pScrn->frameX0; dstBox.y1 -= surface->pScrn->frameY0; dstBox.x2 -= surface->pScrn->frameX0; dstBox.y2 -= surface->pScrn->frameY0; xf86XVFillKeyHelper(surface->pScrn->pScreen, portPriv->colorKey, clipBoxes); NEOResetVideo(surface->pScrn); NEODisplayVideo(surface->pScrn, surface->id, surface->offsets[0], surface->width, surface->height, surface->pitches[0], x1, y1, x2, y2, &dstBox, src_w, src_h, drw_w, drw_h); pPriv->isOn = TRUE; if (portPriv->videoStatus & CLIENT_VIDEO_ON){ REGION_EMPTY(surface->pScrn->pScreen, &portPriv->clip); UpdateCurrentTime(); portPriv->videoStatus = FREE_TIMER; portPriv->freeTime = currentTime.milliseconds + FREE_DELAY; } return (Success); } static int NEOStopSurface(XF86SurfacePtr surface) { NEOOffscreenPtr pPriv = (NEOOffscreenPtr)surface->devPrivate.ptr; #ifdef DEBUG xf86DrvMsg(surface->pScrn->scrnIndex,X_INFO,"NEOStopSurface\n"); #endif if (pPriv->isOn){ NEOPtr nPtr = NEOPTR(surface->pScrn); VGA_HWP(surface->pScrn); OUTGR(0xb0, 0x02); pPriv->isOn = FALSE; } return (Success); } static int NEOGetSurfaceAttribute(ScrnInfoPtr pScrn, Atom attr, INT32 *value) { NEOPtr nPtr = NEOPTR(pScrn); #ifdef DEBUG xf86DrvMsg(pScrn->scrnIndex,X_INFO,"NEOGetSurfaceAttribute\n"); #endif return (NEOGetPortAttribute(pScrn, attr, value, (pointer)nPtr->overlayAdaptor->pPortPrivates[0].ptr)); } static int NEOSetSurfaceAttribute(ScrnInfoPtr pScrn, Atom attr, INT32 value) { NEOPtr nPtr = NEOPTR(pScrn); #ifdef DEBUG xf86DrvMsg(pScrn->scrnIndex,X_INFO,"NEOSetSurfaceAttribute\n"); #endif return (NEOSetPortAttribute(pScrn, attr, value, (pointer)nPtr->overlayAdaptor->pPortPrivates[0].ptr)); }