/* $XFree86: xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/reconfig/reconfig.y,v 3.7 1996/02/04 09:10:40 dawes Exp $ */ /* $XConsortium: reconfig.y /main/5 1996/02/21 17:55:14 kaleb $ */ %{ #include #include "os.h" #include "strlist.h" /* Author (of this quick hack): G.J. Akkerman * Usage: reconfig < OldXconfig > NewXconfig * * Notes: * This utility reads an Xconfig file into structures similar to those * in the server: one for server-global items, and one for each screen. * The datastructures used are however trivialized, since we don't want to * interpret data, but only to reshuffle it: * + Keywords without arguments are represented by ints (booleans) * + For keywords with arguments we use strings to represent those arguments * verbatim. (Even the quotes around strings are preserved.) In this way, we * avoid, for instance, round off errors. * After an Xconfig file is successfully read into the structures, we dump * them in the new format. We make up any required database keys, and we * give an arbitrary (and quite possibly wrong) monitor description. * In general, we do little error checking. It is possible that a wrong old * Xconfig file gets translated to a wrong new format Xconfig file. * * This is all the documentation there is. -- GJA. */ #define N_SCREENS 5 #define iVGA256 0 #define iVGA2 1 #define iMONO 2 #define iVGA16 3 #define iACCEL 4 #define fINTERLACE (1 << 0) #define fPHSYNC (1 << 1) #define fNHSYNC (1 << 2) #define fPVSYNC (1 << 3) #define fNVSYNC (1 << 4) #define fCSYNC (1 << 5) /* Indices for the keymaps */ #define N_KEYM 4 #define iLEFTALT 0 #define iRIGHTALT 1 #define iSCROLLLOCK 2 #define iRIGHTCTL 3 struct mode { char *mn; char *d; char *h1,*h2,*h3,*h4; char *v1,*v2,*v3,*v4; int flags; } ; typedef struct { int count; struct mode *datap; } mode_list ; struct general_struct { int Sharedmon; /* ? */ string_list *Fontpath; /* files */ char *Rgbpath; /* files */ int Notrapsignals; /* serverflags */ /* Keyboard stuff: */ char *Autorepeat1, *Autorepeat2; /* keyboard */ int Dontzap; /* serverflags */ int Servernum; /* keyboard */ char *Xleds; /* keyboard */ char *Vtinit; /* keyboard */ char *keymap[N_KEYM]; /* keyboard */ int Vtsysreq; /* keyboard */ /* Mouse stuff: */ char *mouse_name; /* pointer */ char *mouse_device; /* pointer */ char *Baudrate; /* pointer */ char *Samplerate; /* pointer */ int Emulate3 ; /* pointer */ int Chordmiddle ; /* pointer */ int Cleardtr ; /* pointer */ int Clearrts ; /* pointer */ } gen ; struct screen_struct { int configured; int Staticgray; /* screen.display */ int Grayscale ; /* screen.display */ int Staticcolor ; /* screen.display */ int Pseudocolor ; /* screen.display */ int Truecolor ; /* screen.display */ int Directcolor; /* screen.display */ char *Chipset; /* device */ char *Ramdac; /* device */ char *Dacspeed; /* device */ char *Clockchip; /* device */ string_list_list *Clocks; /* device */ char *Displaysize1,*Displaysize2 ; /* screen.display */ string_list *Modes; /* screen.display */ char *Screenno; /* screen */ string_list *Option; /* device */ char *Videoram; /* device */ char *Viewport1,*Viewport2; /* screen.display */ char *Virtual1,*Virtual2; /* screen.display */ char *Speedup; /* device */ int Nospeedup; /* device */ char *Clockprog1, *Clockprog2; /* device */ /* string + number */ char *Biosbase; /* device */ char *Membase; /* device */ char *Black1, *Black2, *Black3; /* screen.display */ char *White1, *White2, *White3; /* screen.display */ char *Iobase; /* device */ char *Dacbase; /* device */ char *Copbase; /* device */ char *Posbase; /* device */ char *Instance; /* device */ } screens[N_SCREENS] ; int scrn_index, kmap_index ; /* Indices */ int flags; /* Covert data path. */ char *modename; /* Covert data path. */ /* This is the *external* mode list. */ mode_list *modelist; mode_list *add_mode(); string_list_list *add_list(); string_list *add_string(); #define SCRN (screens[scrn_index]) %} %union { char *string; char *number; string_list *stringlist; } %token ACCEL AUTOREPEAT BAUDRATE BIOSBASE BLACK BUSMOUSE CHIPSET CHORDMIDDLE CLEARDTR CLEARRTS CLOCKPROG CLOCKS CSYNC DIRECTCOLOR DISPLAYSIZE DONTZAP EMULATE3 FONTPATH GRAYSCALE INTERLACE KEYBOARD K_COMPOSE K_CONTROL K_META K_MODELOCK K_MODESHIFT K_SCROLLLOCK LEFTALT LOGIMAN LOGITECH MEMBASE MICROSOFT MMHITTAB MMSERIES MODEDB MODES MONO MOUSESYS NHSYNC NOSPEEDUP NOTRAPSIGNALS NVSYNC OPTION OSMOUSE PHSYNC PSEUDOCOLOR PS_2 PVSYNC RGBPATH RIGHTALT RIGHTCTL SAMPLERATE SCREENNO SCROLLLOCK SERVERNUM SHAREDMON SPEEDUP STATICCOLOR STATICGRAY TRUECOLOR VGA16 VGA2 VGA256 VIDEORAM VIEWPORT VIRTUAL VTINIT VTSYSREQ WHITE XLEDS XQUE /* Relatively new keywords: */ %token RAMDAC DACSPEED IOBASE DACBASE COPBASE POSBASE INSTANCE /* Nowhere used: */ %token WRONG %type string %type number %type clocks strings %token STRING %token NUMBER %% file: /* empty */ | file top ; top : SHAREDMON { gen.Sharedmon = 1; } | FONTPATH string { gen.Fontpath = add_string(gen.Fontpath,$2); } | RGBPATH string { gen.Rgbpath = $2; } | NOTRAPSIGNALS { gen.Notrapsignals = 1; } | KEYBOARD keyboardconfig | /* We have only one mouse: */ MICROSOFT string mouseconfig { gen.mouse_device = $2; gen.mouse_name = "microsoft"; } | MOUSESYS string mouseconfig { gen.mouse_device = $2; gen.mouse_name = "mousesystems"; } | MMSERIES string mouseconfig { gen.mouse_device = $2; gen.mouse_name = "mmseries"; } | LOGITECH string mouseconfig { gen.mouse_device = $2; gen.mouse_name = "logitech"; } | BUSMOUSE string mouseconfig { gen.mouse_device = $2; gen.mouse_name = "busmouse"; } | LOGIMAN string mouseconfig { gen.mouse_device = $2; gen.mouse_name = "mouseman"; } | PS_2 string mouseconfig { gen.mouse_device = $2; gen.mouse_name = "ps/2"; } | MMHITTAB string mouseconfig { gen.mouse_device = $2; gen.mouse_name = "mmhittab"; } | XQUE keyboardconfig mouseconfig { gen.mouse_name = "xqueue"; } | OSMOUSE mouseconfig { gen.mouse_name = "osmouse"; } | OSMOUSE string mouseconfig { gen.mouse_device = $2; gen.mouse_name = "osmouse"; } | /* We might have any graphics section */ VGA256 { scrn_index = iVGA256; SCRN.configured = 1; } graphicsconfig | VGA2 { scrn_index = iVGA2; SCRN.configured = 1; } graphicsconfig | MONO { scrn_index = iMONO; SCRN.configured = 1; } graphicsconfig | VGA16 { scrn_index = iVGA16; SCRN.configured = 1; } graphicsconfig | ACCEL { scrn_index = iACCEL; SCRN.configured = 1; } graphicsconfig | MODEDB modedb ; modedb : /* empty */ { modelist = NULL; } | modedb string { modename = $2; } modes ; modes : /* empty */ | modes number number number number number number number number number { flags = 0; } flags { modelist = add_mode(modelist, modename, $2, $3,$4,$5,$6, $7,$8,$9,$10, flags); } ; number : NUMBER { $$ = $1; } ; /* This once had a function */ string : STRING { $$ = $1; } ; flags : /* empty */ | flags INTERLACE { flags |= fINTERLACE; } | flags PHSYNC { flags |= fPHSYNC; } | flags NHSYNC { flags |= fNHSYNC; } | flags PVSYNC { flags |= fPVSYNC; } | flags NVSYNC { flags |= fNVSYNC; } | flags CSYNC { flags |= fCSYNC; } ; graphicsconfig : /* empty */ | graphicsconfig gstmt ; /* Note: we may have more of these. */ gstmt : STATICGRAY { SCRN.Staticgray = 1; } | GRAYSCALE { SCRN.Grayscale = 1; } | STATICCOLOR { SCRN.Staticcolor = 1; } | PSEUDOCOLOR { SCRN.Pseudocolor = 1; } | TRUECOLOR { SCRN.Truecolor = 1; } | DIRECTCOLOR { SCRN.Directcolor = 1; } | CHIPSET string { SCRN.Chipset = $2; } | RAMDAC string { SCRN.Ramdac = $2; } | DACSPEED number { SCRN.Dacspeed = $2; } | CLOCKS string { SCRN.Clockchip = $2; } | CLOCKS clocks { SCRN.Clocks = add_list(SCRN.Clocks,$2); } | DISPLAYSIZE number number { SCRN.Displaysize1 = $2; SCRN.Displaysize2 = $3; } | MODES strings { SCRN.Modes = $2; } | SCREENNO number { SCRN.Screenno = $2; } | OPTION string { SCRN.Option = add_string(SCRN.Option,$2); } | VIDEORAM number { SCRN.Videoram = $2; } | VIEWPORT number number { SCRN.Viewport1 = $2; SCRN.Viewport2 = $3; } | VIRTUAL number number { SCRN.Virtual1 = $2; SCRN.Virtual2 = $3; } | SPEEDUP string { SCRN.Speedup = $2; } | SPEEDUP number { SCRN.Speedup = $2; } | NOSPEEDUP { SCRN.Nospeedup = 1; } | CLOCKPROG string { SCRN.Clockprog1 = $2; } | CLOCKPROG string number { SCRN.Clockprog1 = $2; SCRN.Clockprog2 = $3; } | BIOSBASE number { SCRN.Biosbase = $2; } | MEMBASE number { SCRN.Membase = $2; } | BLACK number number number { SCRN.Black1 = $2; SCRN.Black2 = $3; SCRN.Black3 = $4; } | WHITE number number number { SCRN.White1 = $2; SCRN.White2 = $3; SCRN.White3 = $4; } | IOBASE number { SCRN.Iobase = $2; } | DACBASE number { SCRN.Dacbase = $2; } | COPBASE number { SCRN.Copbase = $2; } | POSBASE number { SCRN.Posbase = $2; } | INSTANCE number { SCRN.Instance = $2; } ; clocks : /* empty */ { $$ = NULL; } | clocks number { $$ = add_string($1,$2); } ; strings : /* empty */ { $$ = NULL; } | strings string { $$ = add_string($1,$2); } ; keyboardconfig : /* empty */ | keyboardconfig keybstmt ; keybstmt : AUTOREPEAT number number { gen.Autorepeat1 = $2; gen.Autorepeat2 = $3; } | DONTZAP { gen.Dontzap = 1; } | SERVERNUM { gen.Servernum = 1; } | XLEDS number { gen.Xleds = $2; } | VTINIT string { gen.Vtinit = $2; } | LEFTALT { kmap_index = iLEFTALT; } keymap | RIGHTALT { kmap_index = iRIGHTALT; } keymap | SCROLLLOCK { kmap_index = iSCROLLLOCK; } keymap | RIGHTCTL { kmap_index = iRIGHTCTL; } keymap | VTSYSREQ { gen.Vtsysreq = 1; } ; keymap : K_META { gen.keymap[kmap_index] = "meta"; } | K_COMPOSE { gen.keymap[kmap_index] = "compose"; } | K_MODESHIFT { gen.keymap[kmap_index] = "modeshift"; } | K_MODELOCK { gen.keymap[kmap_index] = "modelock"; } | K_SCROLLLOCK { gen.keymap[kmap_index] = "scrollock"; } | K_CONTROL { gen.keymap[kmap_index] = "control"; } ; mouseconfig : /* empty */ | mouseconfig mousestmt ; mousestmt : BAUDRATE number { gen.Baudrate = $2; } | SAMPLERATE number { gen.Samplerate = $2; } | EMULATE3 { gen.Emulate3 = 1; } | CHORDMIDDLE { gen.Chordmiddle = 1; } | CLEARDTR { gen.Cleardtr = 1; } | CLEARRTS { gen.Clearrts = 1; } ; %% #define NEW(t) (t *)malloc(sizeof(t)) #define REALLOC(n,t,d) (t *) realloc(d,n * sizeof(t)) /* Add a string to a list of strings */ string_list *add_string(sl,s) string_list *sl; char *s; { if ( sl == NULL ) { sl = NEW(string_list); sl -> datap = NEW(char *); (sl -> datap)[0] = s; sl -> count = 1; } else { sl->datap = REALLOC((sl->count+1),char *,sl->datap); (sl->datap)[sl->count] = s; sl->count++; } return sl; } /* Add a list to a list of lists */ string_list_list *add_list(sl,s) string_list_list *sl; string_list *s; { if ( sl == NULL ) { sl = NEW(string_list_list); sl -> datap = NEW(string_list *); (sl -> datap)[0] = s; sl -> count = 1; } else { sl->datap = REALLOC((sl->count+1),string_list *,sl->datap); (sl->datap)[sl->count] = s; sl->count++; } return sl; } /* Add a mode to a list of modes */ mode_list *add_mode(sl,mn,d,h1,h2,h3,h4,v1,v2,v3,v4,flags) mode_list *sl; char *mn; char *d, *h1,*h2,*h3,*h4, *v1,*v2,*v3,*v4; int flags; { if ( sl == NULL ) { sl = NEW(mode_list); sl -> datap = NEW(struct mode); sl -> datap[0].mn = mn; sl -> datap[0].d = d; sl -> datap[0].h1 = h1; sl -> datap[0].h2 = h2; sl -> datap[0].h3 = h3; sl -> datap[0].h4 = h4; sl -> datap[0].v1 = v1; sl -> datap[0].v2 = v2; sl -> datap[0].v3 = v3; sl -> datap[0].v4 = v4; sl -> datap[0].flags = flags; sl -> count = 1; } else { sl->datap = REALLOC((sl->count+1),struct mode,sl->datap); sl -> datap[sl->count].mn = mn; sl -> datap[sl->count].d = d; sl -> datap[sl->count].h1 = h1; sl -> datap[sl->count].h2 = h2; sl -> datap[sl->count].h3 = h3; sl -> datap[sl->count].h4 = h4; sl -> datap[sl->count].v1 = v1; sl -> datap[sl->count].v2 = v2; sl -> datap[sl->count].v3 = v3; sl -> datap[sl->count].v4 = v4; sl -> datap[sl->count].flags = flags; sl->count++; } return sl; } main() { if ( ! yyparse() ) { copyright(); printf("# This file was generated by reconfig(1)\n"); printf("# Refer to the XF86Config(4/5) man page for a "); printf("description of the format\n\n"); dump(); fprintf(stderr, "\n*** Note the XF86Config file generated "); fprintf(stderr, "must be edited before use.\n\n"); } exit(0); } yyerror(s) char *s; { extern int line; extern char *yytext; #if 0 fprintf(stderr, "%s on line %d while facing '%s'\n",s,line,yytext); #else fprintf(stderr, "%s on line %d\n",s,line); #endif } dump() { int i,j,k; /* Files section */ printf("Section \"Files\"\n"); if ( gen.Fontpath ) { for ( i = 0 ; i < gen.Fontpath->count ; i++ ) { printf(" FontPath %s\n", gen.Fontpath->datap[i]); } } if ( gen.Rgbpath ) { printf(" RGBPath %s\n",gen.Rgbpath); } printf("EndSection\n\n"); /* serverflags section */ printf("Section \"ServerFlags\"\n"); if ( gen.Notrapsignals ) { printf(" NoTrapSignals\n"); } if ( gen.Dontzap ) { printf(" DontZap\n"); } printf("EndSection\n\n"); /* Keyboard section */ printf("Section \"Keyboard\"\n"); if ( strcmp(gen.mouse_name,"xqueue") == 0 ) { printf(" Protocol \"Xqueue\"\n"); } else { printf(" Protocol \"Standard\"\n"); } if ( gen.Autorepeat1 ) { printf(" AutoRepeat %s %s\n", gen.Autorepeat1, gen.Autorepeat2); } if ( gen.Servernum ) { printf(" ServerNumLock\n"); } if ( gen.Xleds ) { printf(" Xleds %s\n", gen.Xleds); } if ( gen.Vtinit ) { printf(" VTInit %s\n", gen.Vtinit); } for ( i = 0 ; i < N_KEYM ; i++ ) { if (gen.keymap[i]) { switch ( i ) { case iLEFTALT: printf(" LEFTALT "); break; case iRIGHTALT: printf(" RIGHTALT "); break; case iSCROLLLOCK: printf(" SCROLLLOCK "); break; case iRIGHTCTL: printf(" RIGHTCTL "); break; } printf("%s\n", gen.keymap[i]); } } if ( gen.Vtsysreq ) { printf(" VTSysReq\n"); } printf("EndSection\n\n"); printf("Section \"Pointer\"\n"); if ( gen.mouse_name ) { printf(" Protocol \"%s\"\n",gen.mouse_name); } if ( gen.mouse_device ) { printf(" Device %s\n",gen.mouse_device); } if ( gen.Baudrate ) { printf(" BaudRate %s\n",gen.Baudrate); } if ( gen.Samplerate ) { printf(" SampleRate %s\n",gen.Samplerate); } if ( gen.Emulate3 ) { printf(" Emulate3Buttons\n"); } if ( gen.Chordmiddle ) { printf(" ChordMiddle\n"); } if ( gen.Cleardtr ) { printf(" ClearDTR\n"); } if ( gen.Clearrts ) { printf(" ClearRTS\n"); } printf("EndSection\n\n"); /* Now print monitor, device and screen sections, for each screen */ for ( j = 0 ; j < N_SCREENS ; j++ ) { scrn_index = j; if ( !SCRN.configured ) continue; printf("Section \"Monitor\"\n"); printf(" Identifier \"RandomMonitor-%d\"\n",scrn_index); printf(" VendorName \"Unknown\"\n"); printf(" ModelName \"Unknown\"\n"); printf(" BandWidth 25.2\t# EDIT THIS!\n"); printf(" HorizSync 31.5\t# EDIT THIS!\n"); printf(" VertRefresh 60\t# EDIT THIS!\n"); if ( modelist ) { for ( i = 0 ; i < modelist->count ; i++ ) { printf(" ModeLine"); printf(" %s", modelist->datap[i].mn); printf(" %s", modelist->datap[i].d); printf(" %s", modelist->datap[i].h1); printf(" %s", modelist->datap[i].h2); printf(" %s", modelist->datap[i].h3); printf(" %s", modelist->datap[i].h4); printf(" %s", modelist->datap[i].v1); printf(" %s", modelist->datap[i].v2); printf(" %s", modelist->datap[i].v3); printf(" %s", modelist->datap[i].v4); if ( modelist->datap[i].flags & fINTERLACE ) printf(" interlace"); if ( modelist->datap[i].flags & fPHSYNC ) printf(" +hsync"); if ( modelist->datap[i].flags & fNHSYNC ) printf(" -hsync"); if ( modelist->datap[i].flags & fPVSYNC ) printf(" +vsync"); if ( modelist->datap[i].flags & fNVSYNC ) printf(" -vsync"); if ( modelist->datap[i].flags & fCSYNC ) printf(" composite"); printf("\n"); } } printf("EndSection\n\n"); printf("Section \"Device\"\n"); printf(" Identifier \"RandomDevice-%d\"\n",scrn_index); printf(" VendorName \"Unknown\"\n"); printf(" BoardName \"Unknown\"\n"); if ( SCRN.Chipset ) { printf(" Chipset %s\n",SCRN.Chipset); } if ( SCRN.Ramdac ) { printf(" Ramdac %s\n",SCRN.Ramdac); } if ( SCRN.Dacspeed ) { printf(" Dacspeed %s\n",SCRN.Dacspeed); } if ( SCRN.Clockchip ) { printf(" Clockchip %s\n",SCRN.Clockchip); } if ( SCRN.Clocks ) { /* j is used to go over the screens. */ for ( k = 0 ; k < SCRN.Clocks->count ; k++ ) { string_list *clcks = SCRN.Clocks->datap[k]; if ( clcks ) { printf(" Clocks"); for ( i = 0 ; i < clcks->count ; i++ ) { printf(" %s",clcks->datap[i]); } printf("\n"); } } } if ( SCRN.Option ) { for ( i = 0 ; i < SCRN.Option->count ; i++ ) { printf(" Option %s\n",SCRN.Option->datap[i]); } } if ( SCRN.Videoram ) { printf(" Videoram %s\n",SCRN.Videoram); } if ( SCRN.Speedup ) { printf(" Speedup %s\n",SCRN.Speedup); } if ( SCRN.Clockprog1 ) { printf(" Clockprog %s",SCRN.Clockprog1); if ( SCRN.Clockprog2 ) { printf(" %s",SCRN.Clockprog2); } printf("\n"); } if ( SCRN.Biosbase ) { printf(" Biosbase %s\n",SCRN.Biosbase); } if ( SCRN.Membase ) { printf(" Membase %s\n",SCRN.Membase); } if ( SCRN.Iobase ) { printf(" Iobase %s\n",SCRN.Iobase); } if ( SCRN.Dacbase ) { printf(" Dacbase %s\n",SCRN.Dacbase); } if ( SCRN.Copbase ) { printf(" Copbase %s\n",SCRN.Copbase); } if ( SCRN.Posbase ) { printf(" Speedup %s\n",SCRN.Posbase); } if ( SCRN.Instance ) { printf(" Instance %s\n",SCRN.Instance); } printf("EndSection\n\n"); /* Screen section */ printf("Section \"Screen\"\n"); switch ( scrn_index ) { case iVGA256: printf(" Driver \"vga256\"\n"); break; case iVGA2: printf(" Driver \"vga2\"\n"); break; case iMONO: printf(" Driver \"mono\"\n"); break; case iVGA16: printf(" Driver \"vga16\"\n"); break; case iACCEL: printf(" Driver \"accel\"\n"); break; } printf(" Device \"RandomDevice-%d\"\n",scrn_index); printf(" Monitor \"RandomMonitor-%d\"\n",scrn_index); if ( SCRN.Screenno ) { printf(" Screenno %s\n",SCRN.Screenno); } printf(" Subsection \"Display\"\n"); if ( SCRN.Staticgray ) { printf(" StaticGray\n"); } if ( SCRN.Grayscale ) { printf(" GrayScale\n"); } if ( SCRN.Staticcolor ) { printf(" StaticColor\n"); } if ( SCRN.Pseudocolor ) { printf(" PseudoColor\n"); } if ( SCRN.Truecolor ) { printf(" TrueColor\n"); } if ( SCRN.Directcolor ) { printf(" DirectColor\n"); } if ( SCRN.Displaysize1 ) { printf(" DisplaySize %s %s\n", SCRN.Displaysize1,SCRN.Displaysize2); } if ( SCRN.Modes ) { printf(" Modes"); for ( i = 0 ; i < SCRN.Modes->count ; i++ ) { printf(" %s",SCRN.Modes->datap[i]); } printf("\n"); } if ( SCRN.Viewport1 ) { printf(" ViewPort %s %s\n", SCRN.Viewport1,SCRN.Viewport2); } if ( SCRN.Virtual1 ) { printf(" Virtual %s %s\n", SCRN.Virtual1,SCRN.Virtual2); } if ( SCRN.Black1 ) { printf(" Black %s %s %s\n", SCRN.Black1,SCRN.Black2,SCRN.Black3); } if ( SCRN.White1 ) { printf(" White %s %s %s\n", SCRN.White1,SCRN.White2,SCRN.White3); } printf(" EndSubsection\n"); printf("EndSection\n\n"); } /* screens */ } /* function */