/* $XdotOrg: xc/programs/xlogo/Logo.c,v 1.2 2004-04-23 19:54:57 eich Exp $ */ /* $Xorg: Logo.c,v 1.4 2001/02/09 02:05:54 xorgcvs Exp $ */ /* Copyright 1988, 1994, 1998 The Open Group Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation. The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE OPEN GROUP BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Except as contained in this notice, the name of The Open Group shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from The Open Group. */ /* $XFree86: xc/programs/xlogo/Logo.c,v 1.6 2002/05/23 23:53:59 keithp Exp $ */ #include #include #include #include "LogoP.h" #include #include #ifdef XRENDER #include "RenderLogo.h" #endif static XtResource resources[] = { {XtNshapeWindow, XtCShapeWindow, XtRBoolean, sizeof (Boolean), XtOffsetOf(LogoRec,logo.shape_window), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer) FALSE}, #ifdef XRENDER {XtNrender, XtCBoolean, XtRBoolean, sizeof(Boolean), XtOffsetOf(LogoRec,logo.render), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer) FALSE }, {XtNsharp, XtCBoolean, XtRBoolean, sizeof(Boolean), XtOffsetOf(LogoRec,logo.sharp), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer) FALSE }, {XtNforeground, XtCForeground, XtRXftColor, sizeof(XftColor), XtOffsetOf(LogoRec, logo.fg), XtRString, (XtPointer) XtDefaultForeground}, {XtNbackground, XtCForeground, XtRXftColor, sizeof(XftColor), XtOffsetOf(LogoRec, logo.bg), XtRString, (XtPointer) XtDefaultBackground}, #else {XtNforeground, XtCForeground, XtRPixel, sizeof(Pixel), XtOffsetOf(LogoRec,logo.fgpixel), XtRString, (XtPointer) XtDefaultForeground}, #endif }; static void ClassInitialize ( void ); static void Initialize ( Widget request, Widget new, ArgList args, Cardinal *num_args ); static void Destroy ( Widget gw ); static void Realize ( Widget gw, XtValueMask *valuemaskp, XSetWindowAttributes *attr ); static void Resize ( Widget gw ); static void Redisplay ( Widget gw, XEvent *event, Region region ); static Boolean SetValues ( Widget gcurrent, Widget grequest, Widget gnew, ArgList args, Cardinal *num_args ); LogoClassRec logoClassRec = { { /* core fields */ /* superclass */ (WidgetClass) &simpleClassRec, /* class_name */ "Logo", /* widget_size */ sizeof(LogoRec), /* class_initialize */ ClassInitialize, /* class_part_initialize */ NULL, /* class_inited */ FALSE, /* initialize */ Initialize, /* initialize_hook */ NULL, /* realize */ Realize, /* actions */ NULL, /* num_actions */ 0, /* resources */ resources, /* resource_count */ XtNumber(resources), /* xrm_class */ NULLQUARK, /* compress_motion */ TRUE, /* compress_exposure */ TRUE, /* compress_enterleave */ TRUE, /* visible_interest */ FALSE, /* destroy */ Destroy, /* resize */ Resize, /* expose */ Redisplay, /* set_values */ SetValues, /* set_values_hook */ NULL, /* set_values_almost */ XtInheritSetValuesAlmost, /* get_values_hook */ NULL, /* accept_focus */ NULL, /* version */ XtVersion, /* callback_private */ NULL, /* tm_table */ NULL, /* query_geometry */ XtInheritQueryGeometry, /* display_accelerator */ XtInheritDisplayAccelerator, /* extension */ NULL }, { /* simple fields */ /* change_sensitive */ XtInheritChangeSensitive }, { /* logo fields */ /* ignore */ 0 } }; WidgetClass logoWidgetClass = (WidgetClass) &logoClassRec; /***************************************************************************** * * * private utility routines * * * *****************************************************************************/ static void create_gcs(LogoWidget w) { XGCValues v; #ifdef XRENDER w->logo.fgpixel = w->logo.fg.pixel; #endif v.foreground = w->logo.fgpixel; w->logo.foreGC = XtGetGC ((Widget) w, GCForeground, &v); v.foreground = w->core.background_pixel; w->logo.backGC = XtGetGC ((Widget) w, GCForeground, &v); } static void check_shape(LogoWidget w) { if (w->logo.shape_window) { int event_base, error_base; if (!XShapeQueryExtension (XtDisplay (w), &event_base, &error_base)) w->logo.shape_window = FALSE; } } /* ARGSUSED */ static void unset_shape(LogoWidget w) { XSetWindowAttributes attr; unsigned long mask; Display *dpy = XtDisplay ((Widget) w); Window win = XtWindow ((Widget) w); if (w->core.background_pixmap != None && w->core.background_pixmap != XtUnspecifiedPixmap) { attr.background_pixmap = w->core.background_pixmap; mask = CWBackPixmap; } else { attr.background_pixel = w->core.background_pixel; mask = CWBackPixel; } XChangeWindowAttributes (dpy, win, mask, &attr); XShapeCombineMask (dpy, win, ShapeBounding, 0, 0, None, ShapeSet); if (!w->logo.foreGC) create_gcs (w); w->logo.need_shaping = w->logo.shape_window; } static void set_shape(LogoWidget w) { GC ones, zeros; Display *dpy = XtDisplay ((Widget) w); Window win = XtWindow ((Widget) w); unsigned int width = (unsigned int) w->core.width; unsigned int height = (unsigned int) w->core.height; Pixmap pm = XCreatePixmap (dpy, win, width, height, (unsigned int) 1); XGCValues v; v.foreground = (Pixel) 1; v.background = (Pixel) 0; ones = XCreateGC (dpy, pm, (GCForeground | GCBackground), &v); v.foreground = (Pixel) 0; v.background = (Pixel) 1; zeros = XCreateGC (dpy, pm, (GCForeground | GCBackground), &v); if (pm && ones && zeros) { int x = 0, y = 0; Widget parent; XmuDrawLogo (dpy, pm, ones, zeros, 0, 0, width, height); for (parent = (Widget) w; XtParent(parent); parent = XtParent(parent)) { x += parent->core.x + parent->core.border_width; y += parent->core.y + parent->core.border_width; } XShapeCombineMask (dpy, XtWindow (parent), ShapeBounding, x, y, pm, ShapeSet); w->logo.need_shaping = FALSE; } else { unset_shape (w); } if (ones) XFreeGC (dpy, ones); if (zeros) XFreeGC (dpy, zeros); if (pm) XFreePixmap (dpy, pm); } /***************************************************************************** * * * class methods * * * *****************************************************************************/ #ifdef XRENDER static void RenderPrepare (LogoWidget w) { if (!w->logo.draw) { w->logo.draw = XftDrawCreate (XtDisplay (w), XtWindow (w), DefaultVisual (XtDisplay (w), DefaultScreen(XtDisplay (w))), w->core.colormap); } } XtConvertArgRec xftColorConvertArgs[] = { {XtWidgetBaseOffset, (XtPointer)XtOffsetOf(WidgetRec, core.screen), sizeof(Screen *)}, {XtWidgetBaseOffset, (XtPointer)XtOffsetOf(WidgetRec, core.colormap), sizeof(Colormap)} }; #define donestr(type, value, tstr) \ { \ if (toVal->addr != NULL) { \ if (toVal->size < sizeof(type)) { \ toVal->size = sizeof(type); \ XtDisplayStringConversionWarning(dpy, \ (char*) fromVal->addr, tstr); \ return False; \ } \ *(type*)(toVal->addr) = (value); \ } \ else { \ static type static_val; \ static_val = (value); \ toVal->addr = (XPointer)&static_val; \ } \ toVal->size = sizeof(type); \ return True; \ } static void XmuFreeXftColor (XtAppContext app, XrmValuePtr toVal, XtPointer closure, XrmValuePtr args, Cardinal *num_args) { Screen *screen; Colormap colormap; XftColor *color; if (*num_args != 2) { XtAppErrorMsg (app, "freeXftColor", "wrongParameters", "XtToolkitError", "Freeing an XftColor requires screen and colormap arguments", (String *) NULL, (Cardinal *)NULL); return; } screen = *((Screen **) args[0].addr); colormap = *((Colormap *) args[1].addr); color = (XftColor *) toVal->addr; XftColorFree (DisplayOfScreen (screen), DefaultVisual (DisplayOfScreen (screen), XScreenNumberOfScreen (screen)), colormap, color); } static Boolean XmuCvtStringToXftColor(Display *dpy, XrmValue *args, Cardinal *num_args, XrmValue *fromVal, XrmValue *toVal, XtPointer *converter_data) { char *spec; XRenderColor renderColor; XftColor xftColor; Screen *screen; Colormap colormap; if (*num_args != 2) { XtAppErrorMsg (XtDisplayToApplicationContext (dpy), "cvtStringToXftColor", "wrongParameters", "XtToolkitError", "String to render color conversion needs screen and colormap arguments", (String *) NULL, (Cardinal *)NULL); return False; } screen = *((Screen **) args[0].addr); colormap = *((Colormap *) args[1].addr); spec = (char *) fromVal->addr; if (strcasecmp (spec, XtDefaultForeground) == 0) { renderColor.red = 0; renderColor.green = 0; renderColor.blue = 0; renderColor.alpha = 0xffff; } else if (strcasecmp (spec, XtDefaultBackground) == 0) { renderColor.red = 0xffff; renderColor.green = 0xffff; renderColor.blue = 0xffff; renderColor.alpha = 0xffff; } else if (!XRenderParseColor (dpy, spec, &renderColor)) return False; if (!XftColorAllocValue (dpy, DefaultVisual (dpy, XScreenNumberOfScreen (screen)), colormap, &renderColor, &xftColor)) return False; donestr (XftColor, xftColor, XtRXftColor); } #endif static void ClassInitialize(void) { #ifdef XRENDER XtSetTypeConverter (XtRString, XtRXftColor, XmuCvtStringToXftColor, xftColorConvertArgs, XtNumber(xftColorConvertArgs), XtCacheByDisplay, XmuFreeXftColor); #endif } /* ARGSUSED */ static void Initialize(Widget request, Widget new, ArgList args, Cardinal *num_args) { LogoWidget w = (LogoWidget)new; #ifdef XRENDER w->logo.draw = 0; w->logo.fgpixel = w->logo.fg.pixel; #endif if (w->core.width < 1) w->core.width = 100; if (w->core.height < 1) w->core.height = 100; w->logo.foreGC = (GC) NULL; w->logo.backGC = (GC) NULL; check_shape (w); w->logo.need_shaping = w->logo.shape_window; } static void Destroy(Widget gw) { LogoWidget w = (LogoWidget) gw; if (w->logo.foreGC) { XtReleaseGC (gw, w->logo.foreGC); w->logo.foreGC = (GC) NULL; } if (w->logo.backGC) { XtReleaseGC (gw, w->logo.backGC); w->logo.backGC = (GC) NULL; } } static void Realize(Widget gw, XtValueMask *valuemaskp, XSetWindowAttributes *attr) { LogoWidget w = (LogoWidget) gw; if (w->logo.shape_window) { attr->background_pixel = w->logo.fgpixel; /* going to shape */ *valuemaskp |= CWBackPixel; } else create_gcs (w); (*logoWidgetClass->core_class.superclass->core_class.realize) (gw, valuemaskp, attr); } static void Resize(Widget gw) { LogoWidget w = (LogoWidget) gw; if (w->logo.shape_window && XtIsRealized(gw)) set_shape (w); } /* ARGSUSED */ static void Redisplay(Widget gw, XEvent *event, Region region) { LogoWidget w = (LogoWidget) gw; if (w->logo.shape_window) { if (w->logo.need_shaping) set_shape (w); /* may change shape flag */ } if (!w->logo.shape_window) { #ifdef XRENDER if (w->logo.render) { RenderPrepare (w); XClearWindow (XtDisplay(w), XtWindow(w)); RenderLogo (XtDisplay(w), PictOpOver, XftDrawSrcPicture (w->logo.draw, &w->logo.fg), XftDrawPicture (w->logo.draw), XRenderFindStandardFormat (XtDisplay (w), w->logo.sharp ? PictStandardA1: PictStandardA8), 0, 0, (unsigned int) w->core.width, (unsigned int) w->core.height); } else #endif { XmuDrawLogo (XtDisplay(w), XtWindow(w), w->logo.foreGC, w->logo.backGC, 0, 0, (unsigned int) w->core.width, (unsigned int) w->core.height); } } } /* ARGSUSED */ static Boolean SetValues (Widget gcurrent, Widget grequest, Widget gnew, ArgList args, Cardinal *num_args) { LogoWidget current = (LogoWidget) gcurrent; LogoWidget new = (LogoWidget) gnew; Boolean redisplay = FALSE; if (new->logo.shape_window && new->logo.shape_window != current->logo.shape_window) check_shape (new); /* validate shape_window */ if ((new->logo.fgpixel != current->logo.fgpixel) || (new->core.background_pixel != current->core.background_pixel)) { Destroy (gnew); if (!new->logo.shape_window) create_gcs (new); redisplay = TRUE; } if (new->logo.shape_window != current->logo.shape_window) { if (new->logo.shape_window) { Destroy (gnew); if (XtIsRealized(gnew)) set_shape (new); else new->logo.need_shaping = True; redisplay = FALSE; } else { if (XtIsRealized(gnew)) unset_shape (new); /* creates new GCs */ redisplay = TRUE; } } return (redisplay); }