in 0.00005 final - ogg seeking is fixed (problem pointed out by Dustin Neal) - mp3's that crashed libid3tag (reported by Guylhem Aznar) are now worked around ( now track number is not fetched from id3 tag ;) ) - light off is now really disabled while playing movie :] - filebrowser shows hidden files - all files with .mp3 extension are recognized as mp3 (ugly, but lame 3.91 encoded files were not recognized(there is ~512 byte zeros at the beginning - pointed out by Cam) - when deleting from playlist, add button acts as cancel - xmms is now officialy incorporated into OZ3! in 0.00005pre1 - mplayer compiled with ogm support and sdl audio driver - now it shall play uninterrupted most of the time (Thanks to Aman Gupta for the mplayer configuring ideas, including using sdl for sound output) - ogg plugin now uses Tremor - light off is disabled while playing movie (diming light is not) - cancel quits xmms most of the time in 0.00005pre0 - skin support! - random & repeat buttons - mplayer is killed if you exit while playing movie - zaurus buttons have functions (middle:pause/play, ok:stop) in 4.00004pre3 - new fullscreendefault option in .xmms/config - if you click in the movie it will switch between fullscreen/window - playlist position is correctly maintained even while playing movie Broken: - if you exit while a movie is playing, mplayer is not killed. I would advise not to quit without stopping movie. in 0.00004pre1 - sidplay is using fixed point, thanks for the advice to Markus Gritsch - package can install to cf(/sd - not tested) ! - mono->stereo conversion is now using bitshifts, it should work but I didn't test it in 0.00004pre0 - mplayer plugin working kind of well, seeking is supported too and there are all the buttons too during movie playback - libxmms-mad can stream from urls such as (without /something) - only the sorten plugin is included in the ipk, others don't work well (ahx is too slow ; fc is okay, but the sound is too silent + distorted ; gym sometimes works but it's very unstable; spc plays something, but I don't know what ;) ; bonk is kind of working but it seemed unstable + slow) What needs fixing: - after movie playback the current song in the playlist is wrong ------------------------------ in 0.00003x - ogg title is found - loading playlist at the beginning NEW - mplayer plugin - many plugins