# !/bin/sh
# Copyright Matthias Hentges (c) 2005
# License: GPL (see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt for a copy of the GPL)

M_TITLE="Boot SD card"

test "$DISABLE_SD_BOOT" = yes && exit 0

# This function is activated by init.altboot by calling this script with the "run" option

run_module() {

	remember_last_setting "$MENU_POSITION"

exec_module() {
	test -e /etc/altboot.func && . /etc/altboot.func || die "ERROR: /etc/altboot.func not found. Check your installation!"	
	# Mount /proc, etc


	# Check for a real fs and loop-images.
	check_target "$SD_MOUNTPOINT" >/dev/tty0

case "$1" in
title)		echo "$M_TITLE" ;;
run)		run_module 
		test "$OFFLINE_CONFIG" != true && exec_module ;;
autorun)	exec_module "$2" ;;
flags)		echo "" ;;