Author: Andre Renaud <andre ignavus net> Maintainer: Philipp Hahn <pmhahn debian org> Source Contributions: Tim Wright <tim ignavus net> Martynas Kunigelis <martynas nm3 ktu lt> Harvey Chapman JR Boyens Alex Shinn Martijn van de Streek <martijn foodfight org> Philipp Hahn <pmhahn titan lahn de> Adrian Brewt Andre Renaud <andre ignavus net> Michael JasonSmith <mpj17 student canterbury ac nz> Götz Waschk <waschk informatik uni-rostock de> Jean-Matthieu BARBIER <jm.barbier solidev org> Tim Burrell <tim.burrell gmail com> David Reiss <dreiss cs stanford edu> + others listed in the ChangeLog Autoconf packaging: Chris Weyl <cweyl hotmail com> Thanks: Tim Wright (intial beta testing... ha!) Martijn van de Streek (Debian packaging, and numerous bug reports)