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.TH "XOSD_CREATE" 3xosd "" "" ""
xosd_create \- Create a new XOSD object
.ad l
.hy 0

#include <xosd.h>
.HP 19
xosd\ *\fBxosd_create\fR\ (int\ \fInumber_lines\fR);


\fBxosd_init\fR creates a new xosd window that can be used to display textual or numerical data on a X11 display in a unmanaged, shaped window that appears to be transparent. It provides a similar effect to the on-screen display of many televisions and video recorders.


The maximum number of lines of text that the window can display. This value cannot be changed.


On success a pointer to a new \fIxosd\fR object is returned, otherwise \fINULL\fR is returned.


The environment variable that determines which X11 display the XOSD window appears.

\fIchar *xosd_error\fR
A string to a text string describing the error.


The \fBxosd_create\fR function first appeared in version 2.0 of the XOSD library, replacing the now depricated \fBxosd_init\fR function.


The XOSD library was originally written by André Renaud, and was maintained by Tim Wright.
This document was written by Michael JasonSmith.


There are no known bugs with \fBxosd_create\fR.
Bug reports can be files on http://sourceforge.net/projects/libxosd/.


 \fBxosd_destroy\fR(3xosd), \fBxosd_show\fR(3xosd), \fBxosd_set_pos\fR(3xosd), \fBxosd_set_align\fR(3xosd), \fBxosd_set_shadow_offset\fR(3xosd), \fBxosd_set_offset\fR(3xosd), \fBxosd_set_timeout\fR(3xosd), \fBxosd_set_colour\fR(3xosd), \fBxosd_set_font\fR(3xosd), \fBxosd_show\fR(3xosd), \fBxosd_scroll\fR(3xosd),