Test 1 - Check for hang (was bug #4836034)
open this in Blot or Safari
click before the word "One" in the editable text, below
repeatedly type cmd-; to advance to the next misspelling
confirm that you can wrap back to the first misspelling without hanging
Test 2 - Check that markings are retained (was bug #4204892)
turn on Check Spelling as You Type from Edit->Spelling menu
click on each of the misspelled words in the line at the bottom of this page
(result should be that each misspelled word now has a red squiggly line below it)
control-click on “foor” in that sentence
select a corrected spelling from the popup, e.g.“four”
make sure that no other misspellings lost their red squiggly underline
One twwo three foor five siz seven
eight nine ten