#!/usr/bin/perl -w # Copyright (C) 2006, 2007 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # 3. Neither the name of Apple Computer, Inc. ("Apple") nor the names of # its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived # from this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE AND ITS CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED # WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE # DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY # DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES # (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; # LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND # ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF # THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # This script is like the genstrings tool (minus most of the options) with these differences. # # 1) It uses the names UI_STRING and UI_STRING_WITH_KEY for the macros, rather than the macros # from NSBundle.h, and doesn't support tables (although they would be easy to add). # 2) It supports UTF-8 in key strings (and hence uses "" strings rather than @"" strings; # @"" strings only reliably support ASCII since they are decoded based on the system encoding # at runtime, so give different results on US and Japanese systems for example). # 3) It looks for strings that are not marked for localization, using both macro names that are # known to be used for debugging in Intrigue source code and an exceptions file. # 4) It finds the files to work on rather than taking them as parameters, and also uses a # hardcoded location for both the output file and the exceptions file. # It would have been nice to use the project to find the source files, but it's too hard to # locate source files after parsing a .pbxproj file. # The exceptions file has a list of strings in quotes, filenames, and filename/string pairs separated by :. use strict; my $stringsFile = "English.lproj/Localizable.strings"; my %isDebugMacro = ( ASSERT_WITH_MESSAGE => 1, LOG_ERROR => 1, ERROR => 1, NSURL_ERROR => 1, FATAL => 1, LOG => 1, dprintf => 1, NSException => 1, NSLog => 1, printf => 1 ); @ARGV >= 1 or die "Usage: extract-localizable-strings <exceptions file> [ directory... ]\nDid you mean to run extract-webkit-localizable-strings instead?\n"; my $exceptionsFile = $ARGV[0]; -f $exceptionsFile or die "Couldn't find exceptions file $exceptionsFile\n"; my @directories; if (@ARGV < 2) { push(@directories, "."); } else { push(@directories, @ARGV[1 .. $#ARGV]); } my $sawError = 0; my $localizedCount = 0; my $keyCollisionCount = 0; my $notLocalizedCount = 0; my $NSLocalizeCount = 0; my %exception; my %usedException; if (open EXCEPTIONS, $exceptionsFile) { while (<EXCEPTIONS>) { chomp; if (/^"([^\\"]|\\.)*"$/ or /^[-_\/\w.]+.(h|m|mm|cpp)$/ or /^[-_\/\w.]+.(h|m|mm|cpp):"([^\\"]|\\.)*"$/) { if ($exception{$_}) { print "$exceptionsFile:$.:exception for $_ appears twice\n"; print "$exceptionsFile:$exception{$_}:first appearance\n"; } else { $exception{$_} = $.; } } else { print "$exceptionsFile:$.:syntax error\n"; } } close EXCEPTIONS; } my $quotedDirectoriesString = '"' . join('" "', @directories) . '"'; my @files = ( split "\n", `find $quotedDirectoriesString -name "*.h" -o -name "*.m" -o -name "*.mm" -o -name "*.cpp"` ); for my $file (sort @files) { next if $file =~ /\/WebLocalizableStrings\.h$/; next if $file =~ /\/icu\//; $file =~ s-^./--; open SOURCE, $file or die "can't open $file\n"; my $inComment = 0; my $expected = ""; my $macroLine; my $macro; my $UIString; my $key; my $comment; my $string; my $stringLine; my $nestingLevel; my $previousToken = ""; while (<SOURCE>) { chomp; # Handle continued multi-line comment. if ($inComment) { next unless s-.*\*/--; $inComment = 0; } # Handle all the tokens in the line. while (s-^\s*([#\w]+|/\*|//|[^#\w/'"()\[\],]+|.)--) { my $token = $1; if ($token eq "\"") { if ($expected and $expected ne "a quoted string") { print "$file:$.:ERROR:found a quoted string but expected $expected\n"; $sawError = 1; $expected = ""; } if (s-^(([^\\$token]|\\.)*?)$token--) { if (!defined $string) { $stringLine = $.; $string = $1; } else { $string .= $1; } } else { print "$file:$.:ERROR:mismatched quotes\n"; $sawError = 1; $_ = ""; } next; } if (defined $string) { handleString: if ($expected) { if (!defined $UIString) { # FIXME: Validate UTF-8 here? $UIString = $string; $expected = ","; } elsif (($macro eq "UI_STRING_KEY" or $macro eq "LPCTSTR_UI_STRING_KEY") and !defined $key) { # FIXME: Validate UTF-8 here? $key = $string; $expected = ","; } elsif (!defined $comment) { # FIXME: Validate UTF-8 here? $comment = $string; $expected = ")"; } } else { if (defined $nestingLevel) { # In a debug macro, no need to localize. } elsif ($previousToken eq "#include" or $previousToken eq "#import") { # File name, no need to localize. } elsif ($previousToken eq "extern" and $string eq "C") { # extern "C", no need to localize. } elsif ($string eq "") { # Empty string can sometimes be localized, but we need not complain if not. } elsif ($exception{$file}) { $usedException{$file} = 1; } elsif ($exception{"\"$string\""}) { $usedException{"\"$string\""} = 1; } elsif ($exception{"$file:\"$string\""}) { $usedException{"$file:\"$string\""} = 1; } else { print "$file:$stringLine:\"$string\" is not marked for localization\n"; $notLocalizedCount++; } } $string = undef; last if !defined $token; } $previousToken = $token; if ($token =~ /^NSLocalized/ && $token !~ /NSLocalizedDescriptionKey/ && $token !~ /NSLocalizedStringFromTableInBundle/) { print "$file:$.:ERROR:found a use of an NSLocalized macro; not supported\n"; $nestingLevel = 0 if !defined $nestingLevel; $sawError = 1; $NSLocalizeCount++; } elsif ($token eq "/*") { if (!s-^.*?\*/--) { $_ = ""; # If the comment doesn't end, discard the result of the line and set flag $inComment = 1; } } elsif ($token eq "//") { $_ = ""; # Discard the rest of the line } elsif ($token eq "'") { if (!s-([^\\]|\\.)'--) { #' <-- that single quote makes the Project Builder editor less confused print "$file:$.:ERROR:mismatched single quote\n"; $sawError = 1; $_ = ""; } } else { if ($expected and $expected ne $token) { print "$file:$.:ERROR:found $token but expected $expected\n"; $sawError = 1; $expected = ""; } if ($token eq "UI_STRING" or $token eq "UI_STRING_KEY" or $token eq "LPCTSTR_UI_STRING" or $token eq "LPCTSTR_UI_STRING_KEY") { $expected = "("; $macro = $token; $UIString = undef; $key = undef; $comment = undef; $macroLine = $.; } elsif ($token eq "(" or $token eq "[") { ++$nestingLevel if defined $nestingLevel; $expected = "a quoted string" if $expected; } elsif ($token eq ",") { $expected = "a quoted string" if $expected; } elsif ($token eq ")" or $token eq "]") { $nestingLevel = undef if defined $nestingLevel && !--$nestingLevel; if ($expected) { $key = $UIString if !defined $key; HandleUIString($UIString, $key, $comment, $file, $macroLine); $macro = ""; $expected = ""; $localizedCount++; } } elsif ($isDebugMacro{$token}) { $nestingLevel = 0 if !defined $nestingLevel; } } } } goto handleString if defined $string; if ($expected) { print "$file:ERROR:reached end of file but expected $expected\n"; $sawError = 1; } close SOURCE; } my %stringByKey; my %commentByKey; my %fileByKey; my %lineByKey; sub HandleUIString { my ($string, $key, $comment, $file, $line) = @_; my $bad = 0; if (grep { $_ == 0xFFFD } unpack "U*", $string) { print "$file:$line:ERROR:string for translation has illegal UTF-8 -- most likely a problem with the Text Encoding of the source file\n"; $bad = 1; } if ($string ne $key && grep { $_ == 0xFFFD } unpack "U*", $key) { print "$file:$line:ERROR:key has illegal UTF-8 -- most likely a problem with the Text Encoding of the source file\n"; $bad = 1; } if (grep { $_ == 0xFFFD } unpack "U*", $comment) { print "$file:$line:ERROR:comment for translation has illegal UTF-8 -- most likely a problem with the Text Encoding of the source file\n"; $bad = 1; } if ($bad) { $sawError = 1; return; } if ($stringByKey{$key} && $stringByKey{$key} ne $string) { print "$file:$line:encountered the same key, \"$key\", twice, with different strings\n"; print "$fileByKey{$key}:$lineByKey{$key}:previous occurrence\n"; $keyCollisionCount++; return; } if ($commentByKey{$key} && $commentByKey{$key} ne $comment) { print "$file:$line:encountered the same key, \"$key\", twice, with different comments\n"; print "$fileByKey{$key}:$lineByKey{$key}:previous occurrence\n"; $keyCollisionCount++; return; } $fileByKey{$key} = $file; $lineByKey{$key} = $line; $stringByKey{$key} = $string; $commentByKey{$key} = $comment; } print "\n" if $sawError || $notLocalizedCount || $NSLocalizeCount; my @unusedExceptions = sort grep { !$usedException{$_} } keys %exception; if (@unusedExceptions) { for my $unused (@unusedExceptions) { print "$exceptionsFile:$exception{$unused}:exception $unused not used\n"; } print "\n"; } print "$localizedCount localizable strings\n" if $localizedCount; print "$keyCollisionCount key collisions\n" if $keyCollisionCount; print "$notLocalizedCount strings not marked for localization\n" if $notLocalizedCount; print "$NSLocalizeCount uses of NSLocalize\n" if $NSLocalizeCount; print scalar(@unusedExceptions), " unused exceptions\n" if @unusedExceptions; if ($sawError) { print "\nErrors encountered. Exiting without writing a $stringsFile file.\n"; exit 1; } my $localizedStrings = ""; for my $key (sort keys %commentByKey) { $localizedStrings .= "/* $commentByKey{$key} */\n\"$key\" = \"$stringByKey{$key}\";\n\n"; } # Write out the strings file in UTF-16 with a BOM. utf8::decode($localizedStrings) if $^V ge chr(5).chr(8); my $output = pack "n*", (0xFEFF, unpack "U*", $localizedStrings); foreach my $directory (@directories) { open STRINGS, ">", "$directory/$stringsFile" or die; print STRINGS $output; close STRINGS; }